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  Ugly maybe ? No more ugly then some of the other engines I've seen lately.

  We run a RMT Pink breast cancer awareness train on the High Plains 3 Railers modular layout. Women flock around the layout to see it and ignore the Big Boys,Hudsons and everything else we are running.

   I would not mind owning one of these. It's for a good cause.


.... claims to donate "a portion" to charity which the company will then write off as a tax deduction. .....


.... loop hole .....


My wife and I donate money to charities/Church from the money we earn each year, and then we "write if off as a tax deduction" on our Schedule A. Are you guys saying my wife and I are doing some sort of scam? We are insincere in our charitable giving?


I never knew there were so many miserable people in O scale until I started reading the OGR forum. I think I'm going back to HO, where there's blue skies and happy modelers.


Anyway, I think the engine/caboose is striking .... not ugly at all. When my nurse wife Donna see this, I'll bet she wants to find money in the family budget to buy a set.


Bump for this uncataloged item.





Last edited by Matt01

I saw this engine at the MTH booth at York and it is far better in person that it is in the video.  I also have ordered one and looking forward to getting one.  I applaud MTH for trying to raise the funds for this effort.


As to those that make those comments, never can make you happy.  MTH put the MSRP on other combo purchases but this is the one that gets called out.  Hopefully you will be fortunate enough in life to never need the funds MTH is donating, for some of us others we are not so lucky.


Can't wait to see this get delivered.  Again in person much better than the video shows.

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