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I have  the 2500  Postwar aluminum  cars and (1) one set of bottom stripes NOS  ( never used)  that are original That have the pre-glue on them. I know that Lionel originally  must of soaked them and applied them . and that the carbon tetrachloride is no longer used or bought.

But is there another chemical I could use ? like lacquerr thinner or gas or ?? thanks for the info DANiel

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Carbon Tetrachloride, not only is it carcinogenic, but from long periods of inhaling and mixed with gin in the blood system, caused a dry cleaning employee to have an exploded heart!!!!! FATAL!!!!!

The guy used to go across the street to a locale gin mill and have liquid lunch, until.......!


I used to work in a dry cleaners and we used a product called "perchloroethylene" which is a real close relative of carbon tetrachloride. That stuff cleaned anything when used properly.


The closet product I have found is made by CRC "Lectra-Motive" electric parts cleaner!

You can by it at any auto parts store! It smells the same as perchloroethylene. Probably the same chemical just a different name.

It contains tetrachlorethylene. Cleans, degreases and dries very quickly! Works great!


It is non flammable! Use outside or a very ventilated area!


As others mentioned USE CAUTION!  And common sense!



As a sixteen year old I worked at a small movie theatre, as a Reel-Boy, assisting the projectionist running the show.

The problem was that carbon tetrachloride was used as a fire extinguisher in the projection room and used to clean and prevent fires, by spraying it into the intermittent system, of the projectors.


Last edited by RJL

I have a couple old fire extinguishers that have carbon tetrachloride in them.

One of them is about a foot long and made of brass probably from the 1920's or so. One of the first portable fir extinguishers! Still usable!


The other is made of red glass about the size of a softball and you hang over a potential fire source.  Has a spring loaded meltable link and pin on the bottom and dumps on the fire when broken!


One of them I bought at an auction a few years ago, the auctioneer stated when bidding started, who ever wins it, must take it out to their car immediately! He didn't want the stuff around in case it breaks! I got it for really cheap!

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