I came across a freeware program called CATrain Ver. 2.2.4 a few weeks ago and am wondering if anyone has used it or know of something similar? Years ago, in the days of DOS, there was a shareware program where you could create track plans and switching scenarios and just play at moving trains around. I probably still have it on a 5 ¼” floppy disk, which is pretty much the same as not having it, so I started searching.
I was looking for something like this because my track plan is a bit convoluted. I designed it deliberately so because I wanted a layout that had one long run that could change into two separate loops, however what I ended up with sometimes confuses even me! Anyway, the neat thing about CATrain is that you can create a graphical representation of your layout (a semblance of mine is below), and then set the trains running to see if you have created any pitfalls or potential problems that you didn't foresee, or look for spots where you would need passing sidings or just plain play around with future expansion ideas. For example, on my layout I know I'm going to need at least one more passing siding and I'm also planning for a yard area, probably down and to the left of the tail of the "g".
The program also comes with a library of dozens of layouts that have already been created with switching puzzles or ones with 15 trains on them and your job is to try to prevent crashes. I find this pretty neat. True, there is only one kind of straight track and one type of curved section and tracks can only turn and cross each other at 90° so it does have its limitations. In fact, I have no idea if the program is still supported by its author. Which leaves me with my original question if anyone uses anything else that might be similar?
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