Ok, some picks will help show what I'm up against here-
This pic shows the small wheels and the block which atlas uses for this chassis.
This pic shows the gear drive cover which extends alittle farther forward to the front than the rear.
This pic shows a piece of .060 styrene that levels with the blind center drive wheel set...not alot of room to play with here.
This pic shows the forward chassis box that could yield one p/u if it were a downward force type. There's little room and inner chassis depth to swing a usual roller p/u arm.
When I'm done trying to make a center p/u, then I have to figure out a pair of body mounted knuckle couplers for her- one project at a time though...
edit- actually, I just spied my super streets bus and think that those might work here...wonder how hard it is to aquire a pair of those?!