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Look here:


There's a photo (# 10521) of one of the "Bulkhead Flatcars" below the enlarged photo.


Matt also posted a photo of one of the CofG Historical Society's magazines, here's their website:


Seems like one of the back issues of the ACL-SAL Historical Society's mag "Lines South" has an article on CofG Bulkhead Flats, but it'll take me a while to track it down.


From what I saw on Google Images, the CofG car was class FR-3 (Southwind Models made a HO brass car), but I can't confirm any of that data.


I got a response from the Central of Georgia Society. Here it is.


"That model looks like the old Southwind Models brass pulpwood car. It's based on a series of cars that were modified and renumbered from earlier CofGa pulpwood cars built ca. 1944. The modifications included new bulkheads."

"The modifications were done by Southern Railway ca. 1967. The Southern purchased the CofGa in 1963."

"So, the model would be usable for 1967 or later."


 Thanks for all of the responses.

Pulp wood is a nasty, dangerous and low-paying load.


Back in the '60s or so a young salesman went back to his office at the Georgia Railroad, very proud of the sale he had just made: locating a pulp wood shipper on the GARR.  His boss took him aside and informed him that if he EVER did that again he would be fired.



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