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I was given all this yesterday. Free.  Form an older fellow that simply said it was time for it to go to a new home.  Mix of postwar and modern.  Box after box of unopened items. Some beautiful engines like gunmetal grey 225E, 226E as well.  Several large extra  pre and postwar tenders for large steamers.  All the Menard's buildings from last many years.  Many boxes of new track, rolling stock , accessories , etc. 

Pretty darn nice gift.  



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george posted:

That would never happen to me!  I have always been jealous of people with such good fortune. 

Believe me, I'm 99% of the time just like you. I just happen to be in the right place at the right time!  He put it out there on the local radio and a friend heard it and called me immediately. I gave him my story and he chose me and my boys as the recipients. We beat out many others. Yes I'm very lucky and grateful.  He worked the kids and myself pretty hard though cleaning his garage after the trains were out. 

Last edited by MattR

I'm 70, would you care to adopt me?   Wow, what luck you have, I never have anything like that happen to me.  I'm glad you have a good friend who was paying attention.

Hope you enjoy them to the hilt and I agree, you need to take him out to dinner on more than one occasion and you should definitely have him over to run trains with you.

I think that was a very nice gesture by the elderly gentleman to do, sounds like a good bloke, nice to have friends like that.

Not that I needed most of it, but a good friend of mine did a similar thing he gave me his complete workshop! I kept the lathe and the Mill and some specialist tools and sold the rest for him and gave him the money, he was pleased with the deal so was I. There still is some good people around in any country.

Nice thread thanks for sharing your experiance and enjoy the trains. Roo.

Unfortunately these will be in storage with the rest of the stuff. I'm hoping to build our house in a year or so. Then they'll come out. No going out for dinner. He lost sight in one eye already. The other eye isn't far behind. He gets injections in it and it makes it better for a short time. He fully believes he is getting close to "checking out". He is obviously pretty well off, he donated to some local schools etc,  and is giving lots of things away.  

M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
Balshis posted:

That's the irony of such hobbies as ours -- our toys will outlive us all.

Ectually, I find that rather comforting.  Long after I'm gone, my gi-raffes will live on in other homes... 


I enjoyed learning of your good fortune. 

Im truly fortunate to have a great friend who has done the same but with mechanical tools. He's losing his sight and downsized his home, property, business, historical cars an trucks.

I'm comforted by this story of the model train inventory.

John d.


Dave Funk posted:

What a fantastic gift !!! 

He may be" well off" but he may also be short of true friends or those able to help with everyday choirs.

If he is willing to accept help it would be great for you and your sons to help him with whatever the need.

Excellent idea!

It is very often the case that people need human contact far more than they need stuff or even money or food.  Loneliness is a profound problem, and few outside ever see it.  And, given his health issues, help around the house may be a God-send to him.

First thing I offered was any help he may need. We did a lot of work while we were there and of course told him to call anytime. We we're actually ordered not to just stop by. Call or he'll call me. His concern is his 2 old dogs. No joke. They have heart issues and they go nuts when they even hear a vehicle get close. Never mind knock on the door. He's afraid they'll have a heart attack.  These trains were in a climate controlled outbuilding.  When we did enter his house to get some things from the basement, he went in first with his hired assistant, told us to wait till he waves. He put dogs in a side room. We weren't allowed to talk, even in the basement. Got the items and went out. He called yesterday and said he found a bunch of Lionel catalogs for me to come  next week. Also, some Browning firearms items. Don't know what they are yet.

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