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My sister sent me a stack of old family photos a month or so ago.  Buried in the stack was a single slightly blurry photo of the layout I had in high school.  Dead in the center of it is the Colber oil well I bought when a toy store was going out of business.  Today, that same oil well is still working on my "adult" layout.


(I think the oil tank made out of the Comet cleanser can in the right rear of the older photo is still in a box in my basement.  I'll have to check.  The oil tanks just behind the signal bridge in today's photo came off my childhood layout, too.  They were made out of vegetable cans wrapped in 1" masking tape that were spray-painted gray.)



From a childhood layout to an adult layout


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  • From a childhood layout to an adult layout the Colber oil well is still working!
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I call your oil piece "baggage". On my layout I have lots of baggage which has been on every layout since I was a kid and still is today. Most of it is because I like it but some of it is because my father bought it for me.

The accessories in my 50's layout are still on my layout today. Have a look.




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