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A Lionel 2016 has been setting in the round house for a year or more.  Upon pulling it out, it would not cycle through the 3 positions without sticking.  Took it to the shop and lubed the engine and hit the E unit with some cheap CRC CO Contact Cleaner.  The E unit fingers and drum are in excellent condition.  The cleaner seamed to fix the E unit operation while holding engine in my hand applying power from transformer.

Put it back on layout and still was sticking when cycling E unit.  Took it back to the shop and got out good stuff, Caig Deoxit contact cleaner, the more expensive one I use to clean contacts on my vintage stereo receivers and the only one used by the folks at Audiokarma audio web site.  One little squirt and that cleaned the E unit up fast and it operates like a new one.   Deoxit will be the first one I use from now on.



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I've had this problem numerous times and was always reluctant to learn how to dismantle an e-unit. Most times, I found spraying with the contact cleaner seemed to solve the problems. However, I finally decided it was more than time to get the   e-unit tool and learn how to really work on it. I'm glad I did.......for several reasons. I can now take them apart and replace the parts to produce an e-unit that runs like new. But I also discovered (in opening up a bunch of these) what I think produces a lot of the "stickiness". The plunger connected to the pawl gets oxidation on it's surface and I found that rubbing it with wet/dry sandpaper has eliminated that problem for me.      Buy the 3 dollar tool and experiment on an old beater. A real learning experience. You will wish, though, that humans were born with 3 hands.


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