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In early 2003 I made a successful functioning overhead catenary with MTH telegraph poles.

in 2005 I sold my layout and trains and  accessories to a buddy of mine. He took down the overhead as it was not something he wanted on the layout. The poles went into a series of boxes and were stored with an ensueing coating of dirt and dust in his garage. On a visit to him, he asked me if I wanted them before they disintegrate!  Being that I am in the process of rebuilding that layout trimmed down a bit, I was happy to bring them home for a second life. 

I have started the task with a vavumming, then brushing of finer stuff. 

So, there still is dirt. The brasshorozontal  portions that I fabricated as arms I know how to clean. The factory painted MTH poles I am not sure about. Any ideas as to cleaning them without potential damage? They are a thing of beauty to be resurrected into function.




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Just soak them in a mild solution of Dawn dish detergent, rinse with water and let stand to dry.   Then spray again with 99% isopropyl alcohol.  The alcohol will displace/combine with any water that's left and evaporate.  I'm betting you won't need any type brushing.  I cleaned a 60 year old collection of military Dinky Toys using this method and they looked like new.



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Last edited by wild mary

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