Looking to build a medium size layout with two newer ZWs each with 4 180 volt brinks. My question is around wiring the common and connecting the common for TMCC and Legacy control. I am running 12 gauge wire for the common and wondering if one 12 gauge wire can support both ZWs. There are 4 tracks and switches,accessories and lighting between the two ZWs. Can I run one common across the entire layout and daisy chain the common between the ZWs and TMCC controller? The 12 gauage is rated at 20 AMPs. So running 4 trains each with 2 motors could draw 24 amps which is over the rated number. Is it best to go with an 8 gauge rated around 35 watts or run two separate commons for each ZW? If I run two separate, how do I connect that so that one Cab 1 or 2 can control all the trains?
Thanks much for your help,