Was testing a new to me TMCC engine (thanks GRJ!) when suddenly track power failed. No lighted caboose, no track end bumper lights, no locomotive power. The ph135 breaker never popped, but the fast blow 5 amp fuse did. Removed and replaced the TVS diode, thinking that failed. New fuse, new diode, and no diode at all didn’t help. Tried a 7.5 amp fuse. This blew upon power up as well. Finally hooked the ph-135 directly to the track bus, taking the fast fuse out of the equation, and that popped the breaker on the ph135 itself.
I’m stumped. The ph135 is showing @19.5 volts, and has been working fine for years. Including up to just before the failure. I recently had the layout ripped apart to trace out a center rail insulator failure that became evident while that loop was being powered by a kw. Looked for any screwdrivers, tools, or eyeglasses laying across the rails...nothing.
Just curious if a failed or failing ph135 could do this, or am I going through the layout AGAIN testing continuity? The very sudden appearance of the problem has me looking at different avenues, before I start ripping track up.