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Now that I have built a mountain with plaster cloth over crumpled newspaper, I notice that the seams between two pieces of cloth really show up. I also notice that the holes in the mesh in some places show. I guess I was not able to rub them all out before the plaster in the cloth dried. What do you all recommend? I'm fairly certain that paint alone won't hide these imperfections. I wish there was a thick paint that I could just go over the whole mountain with, like a spackling compound watered down. Is there such a thing? Any tricks that you could recommend?


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So, I had some leftover Hydrocal and mixed it with water to make a very thin paste. I painted it on everything. it really covered up the holes. It didn't do much to cover the seams, but I'm quite pleased with it. Following Pete's suggestions, I'll let the ground cover camoflage the seams. Thanks for all your suggestions.


At this phase I like to drop on plaster of paris and paint it about with various size chip brush like 2" or 2.5", This is a great way to add "features" to your build that you didn't see before. Once the plaster starts setting you can just use a wettish bruish and brush over top to smooth it out if one prefers.  25LB bag of plaster of paris at lowes is $11. The structolite works well also.

Good luck with your build and show us some pictures!


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