With the hold on pipelines and the increase in shipping crude by rail I was lookng for an Atlas car to put into that service. I see nothing in the 31000 gal range that the greenbrier tank car I found but not made in scale is rated for that service. It looks like there has to be many many cars in service for this light sweet oil being pumped. I have too many,18, of the corn sweetner cars, and now thinking I need to find a car that resembles what is presently being used to transport this crude from N Dakota. Using railroads to transport the oil is good as it isn't bound to one place to unload but can go to West coast ports and refineries. So my UP engines can pull these cars to the NW like they have been doing for a few years now.
So what Atlas cars are best suited for this task? What label of those cars as I see the 25500 can possibly be a winner for this train<BASF?