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On a recent trip to the UK there was a model display at one of railway museums.  I was hooked.  At home I was using Cargraves 3 rail Phantom track but needed a larger radius. O42 barely works but O48 is about the minimum.  With the addition of a DC power supply it came together.  With the isolated center rail I can run 2-rail DC and 3-Rail. The 7mm Finescale flanges are really tiny and high speed curves are out of the question. Some offerings I could afford most are above my pay grade but nevertheless nice to look at. Is there enough interest to start a new forum?

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There is British coarse scale and fine scale; Bassett Lowke, ACE.... are coarse scale, Darstaed does both, Heljan and Dapol (and some others) are fine scale. Some coarse scale can be switched to 2-rail running but they will not go through switches. 

A coarse scale forum is here:

Look here for fine scale: They also have a forum.



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