I figured it out. Well really I stumbled upon this writing today on this very board!:
June 15, 2013 2:13 AM Dave Hikel
OGR Forum Member
Recommended guidelines for retrofitting DCS to modular layouts.
Most club standards involve some variation of a power buss daisy chained from one module to the next with one or more feeder sets (one wire per rail) on each module. The modules are also connected by the track itself. The buss is often connected into a complete circular path around the entire layout. All three of these features are problematic for DCS. Each connector between modules causes some portion of the signal to reflect back on itself. Go through too many connectors and there isn't enough signal for the engines to detect. Multiple feeder wires on the same length of track create looped paths that the DCS signal can travel for infinity. Looped signals can cause an engine to receive a command more than once or obliterate signal altogether. Looped paths are also created between modules via the track connection. Having the buss connected all the way around the layout creates the ultimate signal loop.
I had the "ultimate signal loop." I just couldn't figure out why when I turned on a section or two at a time everything was perfect. As soon as the main blocks were all on my "circle" of wire around my basement was on the DCS went crazy.
This afternoon, I went with my wire cutters underneath my layout and went to town on my bus wires. Guess what? No "loop"...everything 10! I've heard and read lots of DCS advice but never ever had heard about "The modules are also connected by the track itself. The buss is often connected into a complete circular path around the entire layout. All three of these features are problematic for DCS!!!
YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know now as I'm basically ripping out every inch of wires that doesn't go from my MTH POWER DISTRIBUTION boards to my track. I'm finally getting it!
Thank you for all your advice. Can't wait to get your version 3.