Oscar Mayer built their first Wienermobile in the late 30's and still has them running all over the country. Did anyone make one in a O scale size? It would be wonderful to have one on the layout. Don
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not that I have ever been able to find.
here is what gunrunner john did to a larger one
The picture below is the one that they sell at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan.
• The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile
The full scale one is on display in the H.F.M. They also have a plastic car, Mugs, T-shirts Etc.
Cheers from The Detroit & Mackinac Railway
Click on photo to enlarge.
I think Gunrunner did one. I have only seen one and Captain John has it.
I would buy an o -gauge version
Yes, gunrunnerjohn did make one and I believe it was also command control operated. He posted a video of it here a few years ago.
The YT Video of Gunrunnerjohn's Oscar Mayer, Wienermobile
A public video
I don't think Lee ever did one, but someone else had one, which inspired me to create mine. I believe his was conventional, but don't quote me on that.
The Wiener Train
by: Phil Grey Channel
A Public Video on YT
That's a TRAIN!
"O-scale Wienermobile"
Disturbing question, disturbing level of interest, disturbing vehicle.
How about Moxiemobiles?
How about Moxiemobiles?
I'd have to know what it is first...
Here is mine.
Murphy's Law says I can't find a photo of a Moxiemobile fast, even though I have about a dozen books on vintage automobiles. Someone on here from New England and familiar with the Moxie "softdrink" (I wonder if Cracker Barrel carries it), will have to
produce a picture. It was not a make of car, but was a large statue of a horse mounted on various producton automobile chasses (safety freaks would go tilt these
days) to advertise the drink. Drivers on some sat in the saddle and operated a steering wheel with a long shaft. I think the idea preceded but is similar to the
Weinermobile. I have seen the pictures, but not the vehicles or even the drink, but
I will keep looking for them.
I have the 1/64 scale Hot Wheels and the promo that is 1/25 scale that was a mail away premium. Never seen a 1/48-43 version.....but could be pretty easy to make one!
I had never heard of Moxie, that that's a pretty cool looking car! As Dave says, coming up with the raw materials is the trick. I wonder if that's "street legal"?
Moxie is a horrid tasting soft drink.
Thanks, "645". I know I have photos in books, and was looking for those....
If they commisioned one on a LaSalle in 1928, that is not the LaSalle, for that is a
1932, if it is not a 1932 Cadillac, as the radiator mascot appears to be. (a ride in the
rumble seat does not give you the best view of a horse, but one common to people
worldwide before the automobile, however, the exhause is more pleasant)
Are you ready for more Wienermobile, This video is from Germany
If you want to test out your German Speaking Skills, Check it Out.
They like The Oscar Mayer, Wienermobile in Deutchland
Gary • Cheers from The Detroit & Mackinac Railway
Moxie is a horrid tasting soft drink.
Sorry Marty it's only for "grown-ups!" Sorry but it is my beverage of choice!
It is a vintage car, probably carries vintage car tags, and therefore is street legal, IF
you'd dare drive it with its mechanical brakes, modified as the linkage is, in today's
traffic. Insurance is no problen ($), as there are several vintage car insurance agencies/companies, although if you do not restrict it to show or infrequent pleasure driving, it costs more.
Since we hijacked the thread to Moxiemobiles, let me add my 2 cents. Here is a full size replica of one of the Moxie cars, which was on display at Knoebels Amusement Park back in 2006. The information placard was on the vehicle. As you can tell, there was quite a variety of models made.
Thar first photo in the thread looks way postwar. I'd love to see the first one.
Just found this...
One More Story
& Cheers from The Detroit & Mackinac Railroad
the question was in O scale that would be 1/48
the current fleet of 6 cars average ~27' long so in...
1:64 = 5"
1:48 = 6¾"
1:43 = 7½"
1:32.4 = 10"
the bank model which Steve used at ~10" would be close to perfect for standard US garden gauge (#1 gauge; 45mm for 1:32 scale).
I'm kind of surprised that nobody has made a Wienermobile in 1:43 die-cast. Seems to me it would be a natural for collectors. It's a design classic by Brooks Stevens, and if reasonably priced it would appeal to kids - what more could you want?
I don't think I could have crammed all my electronics into the 1:48 model, so I'm glad I started with the bank.
Moxie is a horrid tasting soft drink.
Sorry Marty it's only for "grown-ups!" Sorry but it is my beverage of choice!
Thank goodness I don't plan on growing up anytime soon! Moxie is an acquired taste I guess! Not for everybody.
I'm kind of surprised that nobody has made a Wienermobile in 1:43 die-cast. Seems to me it would be a natural for collectors. It's a design classic by Brooks Stevens, and if reasonably priced it would appeal to kids - what more could you want?
my guess is that it's probably more about what Oscar-Mayer wants, ie. licensing fees.
why people who put out product toys, shirts, hats, etc do not seem to consider the free advertising they're getting is beyond me.
I had a weinermoble when I was young more the size of the bank but where the coin slit is a flat Little Oscar would Bob up and down.
Little Oscar would drive the weinermoble to different stores and hand out samples. I also remember the weinermoble being in parades. I remember being on vacation in the mid to late 70's in NY I think going along the highway and seeing the weinermoble in front of a store and we got off the highway and made our way back to the store so my wife could see it and Little Oscar (she had never seen it before). The last time I remember seeing one was in the 80's or 90's Little Oscar had it infront of Plymouth Meeting Mall (Plymouth Meeting, PA) Little Oscar(?) was handing out weinermoble whissels.
The first two pictures are of the original weinermobles built in Germany I believe, the others with more glass were later models. I like the original ones much better.
No attention to highjack, just interested in whatever advertising vehciles might be out
there (Canadian beer brewers, LaBatt's, and others?, used some modern designed trucks to call attention to their products). I think I saw the Weinermobile somewhere, once, in passing, but being from the Midwest, and much preferring hamburgers (been years since I had a "hotdog"), I paid little attention. With desert SW photos of the WM, apparently they get far afield. As for Moxie, I have been told to think "poi", the
Hawaiian ground/pounded? root staple, which I thought tasted like wallpaper paste, but the original poster probably has wider experience with poi. Looking at the WM site,
I did not see that they are offering, even for sale, a model of the vehicle, which would appear to be a current marketing oversight.