Anyone use HO or N scale on their O scale layout?
Anyone use HO or N scale on their O scale layout?
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I found that some HO stuff works fine on my S some Woodland Scenics buildings. The background of my O layout is a string of HO city buildings. My "kiddie ride" in my O layout amusement area is a working N train. IMO, certain HO streetlights look better in HO than they do in O on my O layout..
I use only 1:48 buildings. I don't think my layouts are large enough for forced compression to look well.
I have in a number of spots used HO and N gauge flats behind O gauge flats for distance...........Paul
I have one that was given to me. I"m guessing it's HO but could be 'N' I suppose. But yet it seems to not look completely out of place. And that's a full sized 'O' figure next to it.
- walt
I decide what HO building will "work" for me on my S layout by seeing if a S Arttista figure and a 1/64 car look OK with it. For some reason, HO buildings seem all over the place, size-wise.
Here are 2 Woodland Scenics HO examples.
An Ertl farm set, smaller scale, close to S. Buildings tend to be arbitrary dimensions, big/small. What would be small in O-scale, larger in S-scale, even larger HO.
While many use different scale buildings and scenery items to add the illusion of distance to their layouts, I, like Melgar am not sure how well it works on smaller layouts. I hadn't tried it on my old 8'x8' layout and am without a layout at the present time. However I still believe you can use buildings of different scales together, you just have to alter what the building is used for. Here are pictures of a HO factory that I will use for a horse stable. While the Dep't 56 brewery is not to scale the vehicles are and I think the whole scene works.
I have used a few ho industrial kits to create back ground flats on my layout. For me changing the window Grids allowed it to look right.
i have seen other use ho and n to create forced perspective
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