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In case it helps, the finish on MTH cars is almost certainly acrylic or at least not enamel. Touching up or refinishing with enamel whether brushed on or sprayed is a little risky in my experience. I have found Tru-Color acrylics (mostly available in both brush and spray mixtures) to be be the best option in terms of color matching and ease of use.

But you asked about compatibility and putting enamel over acrylic is not something I would do for fear of longer term issues about the two bonding and the length of time most enamels take to set.

MTH Paint is pretty tough. No acrylic paint will harm it nor will any of the common train model solvent paints like Floquil, Tru Color, and Scalecoat. No experience with hardware store rattle cans.

The only problem I have with MTH cars is I have never been able to match their Pullman green. Nothing works out of the bottle nor do dozens of tries at mixing.

Close but no cigar.


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