Got my set a few days ago. Had to put it on the wall to get it all in one shot. The cars are very well done, I havent busted out my rivet counting tools yet, but I'm pleased with the Amtrak specific bits, like the pointless arrows on flat panels that were added. I have issues with some of the cars, and I'm working with Scott to get them resolved right now, so no super closeups.
I dont know how many sets were made, I know it was a handful and I'd love to know the exact number if its out there. My set cases were #005.
My sextuplet of F-7s hasn't yet arrived, so for now, #156 is standing in for effect. I need to get the Kadee brackets too, the lobster claws just wont do.
I saw a rumor of a re-run of SuperChief cars to make the combined train... if any of the GGD powers that be are reading, PLEASE make the Amtrak versions of those cars to complete the train (until then I'm using CZ cars as stand-ins). I think I have a book with a few pictures...