Hi Folks: back in mid-May, I had a post with the same subject; I was unable to resolve the problem so I decided to let it lie for a while and enjoy working on scenery (plus other things not MR-related; e.g., fishing). I finally came back to the problem and I believe that I have isolated the issue to a degree, but I am at a loss as to how to fix it. To recap, I have an MTH proto-2 DMIR Yellowstone that will not work reliably (more specifically, once it is loaded in the system, I can not restart the engine during future operations). I will now describe what I learned yesterday; hopefully someone can give me a suggestion.
First, let me say that I have good signal strength throughout the layout - mostly 10's with a few 7-8 pop-ups. I have two major loops; I will confine the discussion to the loop with the Yellowstone - managed by blocks 2 & 3. I got the Yellowstone loaded into the system in May but could not restart the engine so I let it lie until yesterday. Yesterday, I put the Yellowstone back on the track, tried to start it, and got the “engine not on track” (ENOT) message.
As I had done last May, I deleted the engine from the system and then added it again. It started fine and ran well; I shut it down as well as the layout. Shutting down the layout for me means shutting down the MTH handheld controller, track transformers, and the TIU. Note that the TIU is powered from a separate power source, not the track transformers - the separate power source shuts down with the track transformers from one power on/off switch.
After restoring layout power, I tried to start the DMIR – ENOT again. I then deleted and re-entered the DMIR engine, executed a factory reset and reloaded engine – it started and ran well. I shut down the engine and layout; restarted layout and tried to start DMIR – ENOT again. Delete, re-enter, start and shut down DMIR – this time tried restart without shutting down the layout – restart fine. Shut down DMIR and MTH controller but left the transformers and the TIU powered; power up controller and DMIR engine restarts fine. Shut down DMIR engine, leave MTH controller powered but shut down transformers/TIU – upon powering up transformers and TIU the DMIR would not restart (ENOT).
I have done all of these variations multiple times and the results are very reproducible. Deleting and re-entering the Yellowstone works every time, so to me, there appears to be something pathological about the entry of this engine in the TIU followed by TIU power down (I doubt the track transformers are the issue). Not sure how to proceed, so any suggestions would be appreciated (a friend suggested that I reload the engine SW; not sure how to do that). Regards, Var
PS I have five other MTH engines that work fine; the Yellowstone is the only bad actor.