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Working on a 20-3102-1 Southern 4-6-2 with ps2 (5 volt) that has erratic speed control issues.

Inside the tender there is a small (vertical) mux board.  I think? the 5v (gray) wire shown in the attached photo belongs in the position shown (half-out of connector) in the 9 pin connector.

I found the wiring diagram on page 4-46 of the service manual.   Am I correct in my assumption?

I do not want to cause any damage to the board set by inserting this 5v wire in the wrong slot.

Can anyone assist me?  See attached photo.




Images (1)
  • Mux board connector
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Yes, that is the correct placement. I cracked open one of my PS2 engines (20-3325-1) to validate and its exactly matches your picture verbatim at the tender transmit MUX. Just go ahead and seat the grey wire where you have it.

Left to right, mine is the exact same colors. Violett, skip2, Grey,Blue, Lt Blue, Orange, skip2.

Also, details can be found in this topic

The reason I say that, the original problem in this topic is erratic behavior related to speed control and specifically at the engine receive MUX board, there was a comment about specifically how the tach sensor was powered and how that could go wrong. @GGG made some great comments about that here in the same thread.

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