I liked the thread about saving thing from the junkbox and running them, so it made me think about how many of us fabricate our own parts?
I have one of my prewar steam switchers which had a broken rear cab step. It seemed easy enough to try to make a step and I have never seen anyone offer such a part before since it is part of the cast metal frame and not an individual part. I started by cutting a sliver out of copper, folded it over a few times, put a bend in it and then filled it in with JB Weld epozy and glued it on with the epozy, too. I hope to cast the step some day, but this is fine for now. I have a prewar steam switcher frame with perfect steps if I ever decide to try my hand at making a mold and doing a casting.
Anybody else make any interesting parts out metal, a casting, styrene, other?