At this point, not fully knowing what you've done in the past or "where your going"; before setting too many things permanently, you might want to add a layer of "something" to the wood top. It will quite things down a lot, and depending on choice, allow some variations ground in ground height away from your rails.
A 1/2"+ foam sheet from hardware stores are popular now, and excess can be used in layer making, raising geography, rock faces, tunnel portals etc. Homasote(stocked regionally), or even indoor outdoor carpet, are two other favorites.
I get your thinking of change, but thought Id mention it asap "in case".
Since your going to be "in design mode" as soon as you get the "gotta run em's" out of your system a little Take a peak at SCARM. (Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller) a free layout design program. "Mixey", a member here, is the author.(don't accidently download a google add on the site!) You'll find many others replying for help with design too. Here's mine in attachments below.