..is finished (unless I think it needs an open-canopy rail to truck dock next to
it, which would double the footprint). Photos are in the camera but I am still
working on some of the trucks I modified to serve it, so those await. Really
a pain repainting some of those trucks...biggie is this imprinted lettering...
getting if off was not easy and did not leave a clear surface, and I have
over sprayed this one 1/50th scale truck's door FIVE times in black, no less, without trying to remove old lettering, and finally got it covered. Many of them you have to take apart, screws if lucky, rivets if not. I have swapped beds and cabs around multiple times to get a variety. (some of these are now coal trucks for the coal bunker) (anybody know how to get lettering off Corgi,
Matchbox, and Ertl trucks? Luckily the Spec Cast isn't lettered)
I used two Barr Mills kits for the "Great Divide Beverage Distributing Co.", one
of them a tiny "Mooney's Plumbing" that was adequate for the shipping room,
and another kit of theirs called the "One KIt", for kitbashing, which tripled the size of the buildng. Mooney's I had picked up as a base for the brewery, took one look, and tracked down several large Korber kits for that complex which has been shown on here. Great Divide is a hip roofed building with an office overhanging the truck dock and a big compressor on the roof to cool
the beer storage behind the truck dock. Now Atlas reefers will pick up beer at
the brewery, and haul it here and elsewhere, and the distributor will handle reefers from off line breweries such as Coors. Photos will follow, if I ever get all the trucks painted....