Well continuing my posting of "old stuff" hope you will like this very inexpensive (at the time) early post war French Hornby passenger set that used the trade name "Train Express". Although similar to the UK Hornby M0 line, this train was of French design.
The French Hornby "Train Express" first appeared in 1933 and was the smallest, cheapest, and most toy like of their offerings, but it filled a gap in the French line, appealing to younger children. Unlike the British MO series, which is very similar, that offered a full line of freight, passenger, and even line side accessories and buildings, the French line offered only a tender locomotive and small coaches running on very inexpensive 9" radius track. It maintained this policy for some 30 years and for that entire time no additional locomotives or rolling stock was offered and the trains look remarkably similar. Yet for many reasons, certainly price and the appeal to younger children were important, these trains remained very popular. Pre-war production ceased in 1940. After the war, Train Express emerged virtually unchanged in about 1946. The one difference that the post war locomotives show is the fitting of smoke deflectors and simulated cylinders near the front which were not fitted prewar. The other obvious difference pre and post war is that the key which had been fixed to the key shaft pre-war was made removable just after the addition of the smoke deflectors. This example also has the sheet metal stack which was used up until about 1953-54 when a cast stack was substituted. Hence the version shown below is post war from about 1946 -1952.

Here is the full train for this set. Their were 3 sets, one coach set, two coach set and three coach set (not very imaginative but that is what they were called). The coaches, regardless of how many were included in the set were identical. The "Voitures Train Express" was supplied with simulated French 2nd class coaches marked with number II. They were modeled after the French six compartment coaches with screw brake and gangways (which would have dated remember from 1933).

Here is the way the "one coach" set looked when I acquired it. It contains a full circle of track (under the cardboard insert) and 2 straights.

Well Best Wishes, Hope you have a great weekend