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That's RMDTCA member, John Gardberg, sitting inside the brand new (under construction) modular layout resting on his laurels.  John has been the driving force for the new layout for several years.  John and several other RMD members were working on and off site Thur. and Fri. just to get one loop running.

  The new modular layout replaces the 1997 modular layout that was past its time.  See the new layout (when finished) below.




Images (1)
  • image001: RMDTCA Modular Layou

When I was a kid in the Pittsburgh area (in the 50's), if you had such an A-B-A unit, you were top-o-the-heap; if you had an A-B-B-B-A as one boy did (his dad was a pilot,) you were a demigod. He also had a GG-1 and a ZW to run it all. Getting an invite to his house was much coveted. Such an engine is still a gold-standard for me.


What a cool story!


You grew up in such an amazing time. I envy you. =)

Originally Posted by Moonson:


When I was a kid in the Pittsburgh area (in the 50's), if you had such an A-B-A unit, you were top-o-the-heap; if you had an A-B-B-B-A as one boy did (his dad was a pilot,) you were a demigod. He also had a GG-1 and a ZW to run it all. Getting an invite to his house was much coveted. Such an engine is still a gold-standard for me.


The budget was approved in August and construction began in September. We have to re-build the original transportation carts before we can attach the track (the modules are currently being lashed together and stored in our trailer). The carts will be completed just before the Rocky Mountain Train Show (Nov 29th and 30th). We might start attaching the track at that show. Not built yet are the entry modules and inner yard. Once the lower loops are completed then we start on the scenery and accessories. An for those who followed the Twist or not to Twist thread, we twisted.

Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
What a cool story!


You grew up in such an amazing time. I envy you. =)

Originally Posted by Moonson:


When I was a kid in the Pittsburgh area (in the 50's), if you had such an A-B-A unit, you were top-o-the-heap; if you had an A-B-B-B-A as one boy did (his dad was a pilot,) you were a demigod. He also had a GG-1 and a ZW to run it all. Getting an invite to his house was much coveted. Such an engine is still a gold-standard for me.


..and I can still hear and see his GG-1 storming its way over the several switches he had along his pike, never derailing or flying off the curves as he ran everything as fast and noisily as he could. We'd put our faces right down on the tracks to catch the action as closely as we could, pulling our heads away at the last minute.


And when his Santa Fe lightninged its way along its tracks, we were mouth-open amazed. If we squinted just right as the passenger coaches whooshed by, it looked real, with our imaginations filling in the details.

Last edited by Moonson

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