GG1 4877 --
I for one would feel a whole lot better being able to "see" where the goal post is, we all understand that it take a certain number of orders to advance the project but how many are placed and how many remain at any given point is the great unknown.
If GGD needed 250 orders for the finish sets, getting to the 1000 car mark discussed previously, and has orders for 50 then we all know that dog won't hunt, if there are orders for 225 then we can encourage others to move on these, folks might be far more willing to put forth their reservations knowing the chances of seeing it through are good, rather than reserving now and some day, maybe, these will get made.
I for one put aside funds to cover pre-orders and advance reservations, so if that money sits for a year or two, or the item is cancelled I have had an opportunity cost to having made the reservation -- I've passed on something I truly wanted because I had pre-orders outstanding only to have them cancelled and then not being able to track down the other item, it's like getting your candy taken away twice!
Just a thought, but a transparent system here might drive sales as the goal post becomes within sight and at the same time might reduce the hard feelings. I would add a GN set to my railroad if I were sure it would actually happen, put up $800 / $900 on a perhaps...not this fellow.
Originally Posted by GG1 4877:
David - sorry to hear that you feel that way. With enough orders, those finish sets will be run there just needs to be enough people willing to commit to the sets to meet minimum requirements to get them into production.
As has been pointed out earlier in this thread, the B&O cars are very specific to the Columbian and not suitable for the North Coast Limited. I am sure Scott would really like to get these sets finished, but without the minimum orders, it is difficult to justify from a business standpoint.
Perhaps legitimate question, but would it be preferable to finish out the sets using existing tooling even if it meant a loss of prototype fidelity on the final product? K-Line ran a lot of road names using generic tooling and there is some GGD precedent in some of the PS coaches that were run.