I imagine many model railroad hobbyists started with a simple loop or two running one or two train sets and possibly a few accessories and buildings. For those who stay in the hobby it's quite easy to amass a small railroad empire at a cost when added up is higher than many thought it would be.
So, how many of you with a sizeable train collection have insured your trains against the obvious possibility of loss due to fire, theft or even flood damage as happened with hurricane Sandy last October?
For those with insurance, which route did you take? Insuring them with an endorsement (rider) to your homeowner or renter policy or a separate train policy like one TCA mentions? Which have you found to be the most economical and best route to go?
For those of you with your trains insured, have you ever filed a claim? If so, how painless and successful was that experience?
As I'm contemplating how best to insure the trains and related items I have, your recommendations on how and where you've insured yours are most welcome.