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Unless I somehow skipped over it, there aren't any instructions for use/non-use of this part or any warning about rear couplers at all.  No indication of where to plug it in in the event you would run without a coupler. Something  as potentially damaging to the board as you describe should be clearly outlined in any instructions.

Will contact MTH for some clarity on the issue.

Thanks, George.

I can't explain that unless there is a separate note with the removable fixed coupler.  Here is the instructions:

Fail Condition:

When removing the rear coupler to attach the dummy coupler you will lose operational control of the front coupler on the model. There have also been a few reports of damage to the front coupler drive FET on the engine board.

Corrective Action:

After removing the rear electrically operate Proto-Coupler, install a ¼ watt, 4.7k ohm resistor in the two-pin Molex location where the coupler attached. This makes the system believe there is a rear coil coupler and the front coupler will operate normally. Additionally, the resistor is strong enough to handle any inadvertent rear coupler commands sent to it.

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