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Hello all, 


I am somewhat versed in O scale engines, and have quite a few high end O scale engines on display, but I also have this older engine with no box/paperwork or any identifying information on, and I was wondering what exactly it was and if it has any value.  The bottom is marked Japan. The condition is definately older with scratches/dings etc, but still pretty nice to look at considering its possible age.


I also have a rail car that I have no box for, and my best guess is an overland models brass car, but again, cant exactly identify it.  Can anyone ID either?



Thanks for any help you may provide!


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Pictures of the underside would help.   All the USH and Max Grey engines I have seen have KTM or the max grey logo on the gear box.     I know USH made a brass model of that engine B&O C16, and also International models did one.   I don't know if Max Grey did or not.    All the USH and MG locos would have bearing boxes on the axles.   The IM ones just have the axles riding in holes in the frame.   

The USH B&O C-16 and C-16a models have open gears and an odd gear train unlike anything else that US Hobbies produced.  I have replaced these drives with NWSL gearboxes and I am sure this model is a US Hobbies product.  The drivers are 45" and should be 48" and I have installed new correct sized drivers on some of these in the past.  It is my understanding that drawings published in Model Railroader Magazine at some point incorrectly showed the drivers to be 45" and US Hobbies followed those drawings when creating their model of this locomotive.



So we answered that question.  Next - does going to 48" make that model look any better?  I always liked the Varney model that I got when I was six - I keep meaning to duplicate it in 17/64, but it seems to have normal sized drivers, and I am guessing now that they are not correct.


This USH thing looks a little like one of those suitcases on rollers, but with domes.  Yuk.

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