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Hi there,

My adult disabled son received a Lionel oval set with 036 fastrack curves. I want to give him more track to run his train but am limited to 4 feet by 7 feet plywood setup. this is all that will fit in the front hall of our apartment. The other challenge is it can just be a continuous track as he is in a wheelchair and has very limited hand use so he cant operate any switches. I looked into a figure 8 add on butit was too long so am thinking maybe a twice around of some sort. I am willing to buy 031 and he has some operating accessories like the rail crossing with the road bed on both sides. any suggestions would be appreciated as I have no idea what to do. Also what is recommended to put on top of plywood to help with sound level?


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Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:



I'd be happy to work on a track plan. Which train set did your son receive? Please list all of the accessories you have available and any you might be interested in getting to help in the design of the layout.


Also, I'd like to include anything of interest to your son on the layout.



Matthew has the Norfolk southern Lionel set plus some other cars that we have found at our local train show last fall. He has the following Lionel 12062 grade crossing with gates and flashers, train terminal and platform both Lionel, 1 MTH farm house and the big barn MTH as well,  airport and a operating helicopter and watch tower which I think are both Lionel. These 2 are set up with a separate accessory power pack as he doesn't like them to be on all the time. It would be nice if it could be set up that the house, barn would light up and swings activate only while train is going by them as he finds it over stimulating if everything is on at the same time.( I am guessing this is because he has seizures and may just be too much)

As far as what I think he would like to add would mostly be maybe an operation track to add some operating train cars as he seems to like to switch them out a lot and put things on them to drive them around. The actual buildings do not seem to be that important to him so new cars and different ones seem to be what he wants. He also has the lionel curve tunnel which he does like a lot.

I don't know what I can do But with that being said. I was thinking this is a great hobby and many people have helped me along the way. what if we put together some sort of collection. $10 $5 whatever to help him get a nice layout. if this is something more than myself feel is a good idea we would probably need to set up a pay pal account to send money too. what I was thinking is this t w trainworx and many other board sponsors build professional layouts. maybe just maybe if enough people pitch in we could get him a nice layout he will enjoy for a long time. if someone thinks this is a good Idea and gets the ball rolling I'm in for $100.00 thank you


Originally Posted by Moonman:


Are you located in CA? I have a 4' x 8' with homosote and detachable legs that you could have. No trouble to take a foot off of it. The shipping would be more than the materials if you are too far from New Jersey in the US. Thought I'd ask anyway.

Thank you for the offer! We are in Canada and I already have the plywood and frame just need to add the soundboard. I just really need help to design something that will fit and be continuous operation. Thanks



Here are three versions I drew up. Let me know which layout or which parts of each layout you like. I need to do some more research on the building dimensions and tunnel that you wanted included. Each design has the tunnel, grade crossing (designated by the road over the tracks), an accessory activation track to activate the barn and house lighting, and an operating track for operating cars.



This is the simplest of the three and is a stubby L shape. Lots of room for scenery. The track plan can be moved about to ensure the tunnel fits.




This design uses a 22.5 degree crossing. It pushes the edge of the layout. If viewed from the left side of the left side of the layout at table height, part of the view is blocked. The width of the tunnel will dictate where it will be placed as most of the track is near the edge of the layout.




This design uses a 45 degree crossing and has similar qualities as the previous layout.




Hope these help out! Again, let me know which parts of the layouts you like.


Images (3)
  • Matt24O
  • matt2422.5d
  • matt2445d
Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:



Here are three versions I drew up. Let me know which layout or which parts of each layout you like. I need to do some more research on the building dimensions and tunnel that you wanted included. Each design has the tunnel, grade crossing (designated by the road over the tracks), an accessory activation track to activate the barn and house lighting, and an operating track for operating cars.



This is the simplest of the three and is a stubby L shape. Lots of room for scenery. The track plan can be moved about to ensure the tunnel fits.




This design uses a 22.5 degree crossing. It pushes the edge of the layout. If viewed from the left side of the left side of the layout at table height, part of the view is blocked. The width of the tunnel will dictate where it will be placed as most of the track is near the edge of the layout.




This design uses a 45 degree crossing and has similar qualities as the previous layout.




Hope these help out! Again, let me know which parts of the layouts you like.

Thank you for the great plans!

He likes the 3rd one best but would it be possible to have the rail crossing and activation track still in the front but on the right side instead and the 45% crossing on the left side and with tunnel being left just on the opposite side then you have it displayed now? or if not enough room for the large tunnel I could switch him to a smaller one. Also on right outer circle I see a small piece but not sure if it is one of the tiny pieces you can buy, same as inner circle there is a little piece? Just want to be sure when I order track I order everything he will need. Is there enough room between the two tracks to place his helicopter tower? Thanks for all the help

Nice design Chessie!

Matt, I reworked Chessie's plan to eliminate making custom tracks and to include your  requests for changes:

"He likes the 3rd one best but would it be possible to have the rail crossing and activation track still in the front but on the right side instead and the 45% crossing on the left side and with tunnel being left just on the opposite side then you have it displayed now?"

  • 4' x 7' platform\table
  • No switches
  •  Lionel 12062 grade crossing with gates
  •  train terminal and platform both Lionel
  • 1 MTH farm house
  • the big barn MTH
  •  airport ????
  • a operating helicopter car-Lionel?
  • watch tower-Lionel?

The activator track is to turn on the farm lights. That can be in the back. Only turns them on when a train is there. The operating track for the helicopter car is in the front.

A parts list is attached to compare what you have to determine what you need.


Are we close now?


Images (3)
  • Matthew's Layout Parts List
  • Matthew's Layout
  • Matthew's Layout Track Plan
Last edited by Moonman
Originally Posted by Moonman:

Nice design Chessie!

Matt, I reworked Chessie's plan to eliminate making custom tracks and to include your  requests for changes:

"He likes the 3rd one best but would it be possible to have the rail crossing and activation track still in the front but on the right side instead and the 45% crossing on the left side and with tunnel being left just on the opposite side then you have it displayed now?"

  • 4' x 7' platform\table
  • No switches
  •  Lionel 12062 grade crossing with gates
  •  train terminal and platform both Lionel
  • 1 MTH farm house
  • the big barn MTH
  •  airport ????
  • a operating helicopter car-Lionel?
  • watch tower-Lionel?

The activator track is to turn on the farm lights. That can be in the back. Only turns them on when a train is there. The operating track for the helicopter car is in the front.

A parts list is attached to compare what you have to determine what you need.


Are we close now?



Matthew's Layout


Last edited by Matt24

Thank you for all the help! I am very glad the Lionel customer service directed me to this site. So much helpful information to be found. And great people who are willing to help out.We are going to do the figure 8 design using the 031 track designed by Moonman to start as a train shop here in Canada has the parts for it at this time. Which will help as if ordering from the US we get hit with the customs and duty. Plus the Lionel Store is out of some parts for the other design by Chessiefan72 and Moonman and the other store we have ordered from also is out of one of the tracks needed. So we will keep watch and when we can get the other parts we will build the other track and perhaps even change setups from time to time to keep it exciting as a lot of the track can be used on both setups. Again Thanks I can express how grateful I am for the help!!!!

Originally Posted by Matt24:
Originally Posted by Moonman:

Nice design Chessie!

Matt, I reworked Chessie's plan to eliminate making custom tracks and to include your  requests for changes:

"He likes the 3rd one best but would it be possible to have the rail crossing and activation track still in the front but on the right side instead and the 45% crossing on the left side and with tunnel being left just on the opposite side then you have it displayed now?"

  • 4' x 7' platform\table
  • No switches
  •  Lionel 12062 grade crossing with gates
  •  train terminal and platform both Lionel
  • 1 MTH farm house
  • the big barn MTH
  •  airport ????
  • a operating helicopter car-Lionel?
  • watch tower-Lionel?

The activator track is to turn on the farm lights. That can be in the back. Only turns them on when a train is there. The operating track for the helicopter car is in the front.

A parts list is attached to compare what you have to determine what you need.


Are we close now?



Matthew's Layout


This look wonderful and exactly what our end goal will be


Wow that is wonderful and so very kind!

The track he currently has are:

8 o36 curve track

1 lighted and sound rail crossing 10" it also came with 2-5" pieces with a special track to activated it I think has a split in the track on one side of the rails. The roadbed comes out 3" on each side of this track.

4 10" straight track

1 10" straight terminal track

The tunnel is the large mountain kind from Lionel and is 11 inches wide across the bottom middle and 19 inches long on the inside curve. If there is not enough room to accommodate this tunnel we can build one down the road. Also we have been trying to find a smaller barn as we were too surprised at the size of it once it arrived. That was our lesson learned about checking measurements before order stuff. LOL


Just showed him and he said yes  he likes it. He is glad his tunnel will work on it. I am going to take the barn off though and he is just going to have his fence with the animals in it beside his house. He said he is fine with taking the barn off as he mainly likes to take the animals for rides around on the train in a Gondolas car he has. And then on the other side of the inside circle or middle he can have his helicopter tower Lionel 6-14217. It needs room to go around on the pole that comes out of the tower. We have this attached to an accessory transformer as he can turn this on and off with a special button he has. Then if possible to have the operation track milk/dump bin on the inside as well. There is really no room in the hallway to have the extra parts sticking out as there is only room for his wheelchair and someone else to sit with him. I hope this will work with taking the barn off as he likes the setup of the track.



Last edited by Matt24
Originally Posted by Matt24:

Just showed him and he said yes  he likes it. He is glad his tunnel will work on it. I am going to take the barn off though and he is just going to have his fence with the animals in it beside his house. He said he is fine with taking the barn off as he mainly likes to take the animals for rides around on the train in a Gondolas car he has. And then on the other side of the inside circle or middle he can have his helicopter tower Lionel 6-14217. It needs room to go around on the pole that comes out of the tower. We have this attached to an accessory transformer as he can turn this on and off with a special button he has. Then if possible to have the operation track milk/dump bin on the inside as well. There is really no room in the hallway to have the extra parts sticking out as there is only room for his wheelchair and someone else to sit with him. I hope this will work with taking the barn off as he likes the setup of the track.



Anyway that you would like the accessories is fine. It's Matthew's layout. I'll work with Chessie to move the operating track. Would you still like to light the farmhouse when a train passes?

Thanks for detail on the helicopter. We weren't exactly sure which one he has.

Originally Posted by Moonman:
Originally Posted by Matt24:

Just showed him and he said yes  he likes it. He is glad his tunnel will work on it. I am going to take the barn off though and he is just going to have his fence with the animals in it beside his house. He said he is fine with taking the barn off as he mainly likes to take the animals for rides around on the train in a Gondolas car he has. And then on the other side of the inside circle or middle he can have his helicopter tower Lionel 6-14217. It needs room to go around on the pole that comes out of the tower. We have this attached to an accessory transformer as he can turn this on and off with a special button he has. Then if possible to have the operation track milk/dump bin on the inside as well. There is really no room in the hallway to have the extra parts sticking out as there is only room for his wheelchair and someone else to sit with him. I hope this will work with taking the barn off as he likes the setup of the track.



Anyway that you would like the accessories is fine. It's Matthew's layout. I'll work with Chessie to move the operating track. Would you still like to light the farmhouse when a train passes?

Thanks for detail on the helicopter. We weren't exactly sure which one he has.

Yes if it is possible he would still like it to light up when the train goes by. We liked how it looked with the accessories in the front add on but just no room for it in the hall as he is in a custom mold chair and it takes up a lot of room. If it would help I could add an extra couple inches to the end. Probably not more then 6 as even with that I will have to take out his case that he keeps the extra cars on and it will just fit between the two walls. 

Hey Gang,


I've been busy with work and other matters (nothing like cooking deer meat on the engine block to make auto repairs a necessity.) I fiddled around with the layout this morning and came up with this version. Here are a list of changes and a couple of photos to help envision the new look...

  • House moved to left top corner of inner circle.
  • Fenced grazing area to put animals. (As impressive as that barn was, it just took over the layout. Removing the barn opened the layout to other possibilities.)
  • Isolated block to light house.
  • Moved the grade crossing to back of inner circle.
  • Isolated block to activate grade crossing.
  • Added Helicopter Pylon. Although the 3D image of the helicopter pylon blocks the station, the station will be able to be seen through the girders of the pylon.
  • Optional isolated block to activate Helicopter pylon (in gray.)
  • Milk platform/dump bin moved to between tracks. A traditional milk platform appears to be too big to fit, so a special platform will need to be built. (Sounds like a weekend project for me to complete.)
  • Moved Watchtower to bottom left of layout to watch over the tunnel entrance.

Let me know what you think.






Images (2)
  • matt2d
  • matt3d

Matt24 & Chessie,

LOL. I just did about the same changes. I believe the milk platform will fit between as it is about 3.75". I also change the grade area and the activator track area to include the 5" isolator pieces that come with the crossing and activator pack.



I have an update I'll send you via email.

Matthew's Layout 3D 4.23.14

Matthew's Layout Track Plan 04.23.14


Images (2)
  • Matthew's Layout 3D 4.23.14
  • Matthew's Layout Track Plan 04.23.14
Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:

Hey Gang,


I've been busy with work and other matters (nothing like cooking deer meat on the engine block to make auto repairs a necessity.) I fiddled around with the layout this morning and came up with this version. Here are a list of changes and a couple of photos to help envision the new look...

  • House moved to left top corner of inner circle.
  • Fenced grazing area to put animals. (As impressive as that barn was, it just took over the layout. Removing the barn opened the layout to other possibilities.)
  • Isolated block to light house.
  • Moved the grade crossing to back of inner circle.
  • Isolated block to activate grade crossing.
  • Added Helicopter Pylon. Although the 3D image of the helicopter pylon blocks the station, the station will be able to be seen through the girders of the pylon.
  • Optional isolated block to activate Helicopter pylon (in gray.)
  • Milk platform/dump bin moved to between tracks. A traditional milk platform appears to be too big to fit, so a special platform will need to be built. (Sounds like a weekend project for me to complete.)
  • Moved Watchtower to bottom left of layout to watch over the tunnel entrance.

Let me know what you think.





Looking Cool!

Originally Posted by Matt24:
Originally Posted by ChessieFan72:

Hey Gang,


I've been busy with work and other matters (nothing like cooking deer meat on the engine block to make auto repairs a necessity.) I fiddled around with the layout this morning and came up with this version. Here are a list of changes and a couple of photos to help envision the new look...

  • House moved to left top corner of inner circle.
  • Fenced grazing area to put animals. (As impressive as that barn was, it just took over the layout. Removing the barn opened the layout to other possibilities.)
  • Isolated block to light house.
  • Moved the grade crossing to back of inner circle.
  • Isolated block to activate grade crossing.
  • Added Helicopter Pylon. Although the 3D image of the helicopter pylon blocks the station, the station will be able to be seen through the girders of the pylon.
  • Optional isolated block to activate Helicopter pylon (in gray.)
  • Milk platform/dump bin moved to between tracks. A traditional milk platform appears to be too big to fit, so a special platform will need to be built. (Sounds like a weekend project for me to complete.)
  • Moved Watchtower to bottom left of layout to watch over the tunnel entrance.

Let me know what you think.





Looking Cool! Matt likes it.


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