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I have an opportunity to pick up a MTH PS3 loco but with high rail wheels.  All my locos are 2 rail scale wheels.  Has anyone tried running high rail on code 124 track and turnouts.  I'm concerned that the loco will bump along on the ties or have trouble with my Peco switches.  I am not interested in going through the trouble of swapping out wheel sets.


Thanks,   Jim

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Hi-rail flanges need at minimum Code 148 (1970's Atlas 2-rail). I used their switches with an added 3rd rail on my  test-track layout (viewable at my YouTube channel--same username), and even then I had to remove the guard rails owing to the back-to-back spacing of typical 3-rail wheelsets.

If your intended locomotive is a Proto3-2 unit with swappable wheelsets, you'll need to get a conversion kit to run it on a 2-rail layout (and that's assuming this loco is a diesel--I'm not aware of any steam kits)


Last edited by RailRide

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