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I was very pleased when Rich bought the old Korber line to continue that essential series of buildings.  And more recently as I was planning a diesel engine servicing building, his purchase of the Pecos River Brass modular industrial building components was just what I was looking for.  I had built a couple of the original modular kits and really like their contemporary appearance so planned to contact Rich about one.

It turns out that Joe Fauty was also thinking about the same thing, so we both contacted him to see about putting together kits for each of our designs.  Rich was very helpful and based on my plans, his kit was recently completed.  I made a few cosmetic changes, but am really pleased with how it turned out.  Adding strip LED lighting and some minimal interior detailing gave me an outstanding structure.

Here are a few photos of the completed project



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Last edited by PeterA
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That looks great! I'd love it for my layout, but I need it with 3.5" track spacing. The fact that I'm using a Ross #4 ladder which naturally comes out to 3.5" track centers is a problem for me since none of the commercial houses I've seen fit that dimension. It also makes it challenging to add work platforms between tracks. If I would have know this was going to jam me up, I would have adjusted the spacing when I laid the track. Now there's piles of plaster between the adjacent tracks to bring the ground level up to the tie height so they look like yard tracks with buried ties. I'm having to design and build a custom project.

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