I have 2 parallel tracks with another track running over these. One track is fine the other the engine light will begin to flicker as the train passes underneath it. When trains are traveling slow enough the engine will stall and the light will continue to flicker on this track.
I first tried to clean the area, over and over, it helps but after a few more loops the engine will stall again and the light will flicker. Interesting enough if the train is slightly faster it will pass over the offending area, even if the lights flicker.
How do I confirm this is a signal loss/confusion, or its just bad track? This is gargraves track and its been know to have rust spots that cause issues. But I cannot feel or see any in this area.
If I put a ground plane wire down in the area, how long should it run? Do I need a ground plane wire up top too? How long should this one be?
This of course is not a friendly area to work in, so the least amount of tear up the better.