I think the point of the thread was whether you support sponsors so that as a side, Alan's job could be a little easier when selling the webpage.
If you had issues with sponsors like the posters stated below then just say I dont support a sponsor. Instead of these ranting diatribes at unknown sponsors that are fairly useless. You can surely watch the TV show without buying into the 90 second commercial. However, here if some sponsor is unworthy, Rich or Alan should know so that they can decide if it's true and that the rest of the OGRR family is not equally burned by a bad sponsor as you.
Also, by these posts don't you think you do a disservice to all the other sponsors that are doing well.
However, there is one forum sponsor that I would never purchase from again, ever if the were the only sponsor here.
Some have bad websites, some have good websites.
Some have great customer service, others not so great.
Some have great prices, some don't.