if you wish to preserve the rest of the shell, and not have to paint the entire piece, this is what I would do....first,clean the affected area with rubbing alcohol inside and out,and scuff the small area around the break with 400 paper both inside and out.. find a machine screw that's the same size as the screw hole in the shell. (this will be the form for epoxy, or JB weld) coat the threads of that screw with a wee bit of Vasoline. set the screw in the hole, and secure it with masking tape from the backside so the head is not flush with the body. use masking tape layered from the back side to build up a form in the missing area. build up Jb weld in layers letting each layer set up until you have built up flush to the nose, spread the jb weld over the area you scuffed when you get to the final layer, so the JB weld has something to hold on to. let this set up for 24hrs. fashion you a small sanding block and you can LIGHTLY sand the JB weld back flush with the nose, start with 400, knock back to 600 to finish. the nice part of that particular shell is you have a clean place to mask off for paint at the triangular shaped white stripe, you could brush paint it, air brush it, or rattle can it, and not have to paint the entire shell, Id play with mixing satin model paints (blacks and blues) until I got a close match....as far as fillers for the nose, I like 5 minute JB weld, you can set layers fairly quickly, only mixing just enough for each batch....hope this helps......theres a million ways to fix this, and Im sure others may have ideas too.....that's how Id do it....but I always like other ideas too....lets me learn some new $***….