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Any idea how to get a suggestion to MTH? I think they should include smoke volume control on the DCS Explorer.

Here's the issue. My wife is a good example. She's fine with the smoke volume from my older Lionel locos, but the newer MTH ones put out so much she asked me to turn it off on the Christmas layout.

Next, showing the volume of smoke to friends, they ask if you can turn the smoke down as they wouldn't want their kids running a layout under the tree, or in the kid's bedroom, that puts out that much smoke. They have speed limits enabled, so adding the smoke adjusting function in a firmware upgrade should be no big deal.

You'll have kids given starter sets, and those locos put out a bunch of smoke. So . . . you'll either wind up with disappointed kids who are told to turn the smoke off, or disgruntled parents (mostly mothers in my experience that comment on the smoke), complaining about smoke filled rooms.

Last edited by Quietman
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Any idea how to get a suggestion to MTH? I think they should include smoke volume control on the DCS Explorer.

It couldn't be easier:  

  • First, ensure that your device is connected to the Internet. Don't worry if your DCS Explorer is in MTH Mode.
  • In the DCS App, navigate to the More... Screen
  • Tap on App Support
  • You'll be sent to a web page where you can enter a suggestion for improving the DCS App.

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clem k posted:

I'm not familiar with dcs explorer, there should be a small adjuster on the locomotive, underneath or behind a cover on top. 

One major thought behind the explorer was to make it EASY for new people w/o a lot of experience with trains. Hence the suggestion.

Plus, PS2 locos don't have the external smoke adjustment, just an on off switch.

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