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I'm frequently getting Emails saying that someone "likes" my post or topic.  That's great...I LIKE having someone liking my post or topic!   Who wouldn't?


But why don't they come right out on the Forum and tell me WHO they are and WHAT they like and WHY they like it?


I would sure do the same for them!


If you want your Camel to gallop, strike him on the withers with your riding crop and shout:  "HUT  HUT  HUT!"  (From "Lawrence of Arabia")






Last edited by Former Member
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Hal....when you get the "someone liked your topic/reply" notice, it tells who liked your post.  As far as what and why, that is up to the person.  Sometimes it is just easier to click on the "like this" button than to take the time to post....but it is nicer to get a post within the thread which many times makes it more personal and helpful.  Best thing to do is be thankful that someone thought enough of your post to "like" it...don't make it complicated...just enjoy the compliment!!






"Don't make it complicated" you say?


Well, your explanation of how the "like" messages work leaves me gasping..."Like this" button?... Thread?...Post?...shall I ask the same question again?


No disrespect intended,'s just that I'm still not grasping the concept...and this after 37 years in the Aerospace business! 


(Had fun at the annual High Desert Dog Show today!) 


Bad Order

Last edited by Former Member

Rich...I think that is the problem...if it WERE rocket science, then Hal would understand it completely...!!! could be the rum and coke..???  


Just having some fun with you Hal!  If you look in the bottom left corner of any post, you will see the "like" button.  It really doesn't look like a button...just a little heart symbol with the work "like" underlined....



If you look way up top near your profile pic, it will show a box called "Alerts".


For at least some amount of time (I don't know how long), it will list people who have clicked "Like" on one of you posts.  (If you haven't seen the list yet, it will show a number next to "Alerts", something like "Alerts (2)" if 2 users have clicked the like button on a post of yours.)


It seems we can only "Like" a reply, not the original topic.  So "Liking" a response is basically a "+1" when someone does it.


Hope this helps.  I'm not a Facebook person either, and I think that's where this was derived from.




Originally Posted by leavingtracks: can also like a topic.  If you look at the top of the beginning of a thread/topic, you will see a gray area just above the "Recent Posts" list.  At the top of that gray area is "Like This Topic".  Clicking on this will like the original posters topic.



Noted the grey area with "Like this Topic" after I typed my error (isn't it always that way?).  I won't bother going back to edit now since you typed quicker than I could edit my original post.


It is a bit odd that it's not in the first post itself, but I never really paid that much attention until now.




Last edited by Dave45681

Like others have mentioned...


You created a topic (or thread) and posted in that topic. If someone agrees with your opinion, they can click the heart on the bottom and let you know. Maybe they don't have time or are browsing on a mobile device. It should show you on the email or on your profile page who liked your comment or post and then if they don't reply on the forum, you may be able to send them an email of a private message asking why they liked your post.


On the other end of the spectrum, this could play havoc with unsavory characters playing games and hitting like buttons all over the place! Imagine that e-stack of e-mails!


  A "Like" is the internet version of a "Tip of the Cap". If we were talking on the phone I might say "Tip of the Cap to you Sir!". If we were talking in person I might simply tip my cap. Of course this would be tough because I don't own a cap. Maybe I would just say "That a Boy!". either way, they are all the same thing. A respectful but generalized recognition.


I'm sure people do use it for that Ron!  I use it all the time, especially on "weekend photo fun..." and threads like that.  In my opinion it will eliminate post after post after post afffff you get it (for people the post for the same reason... community ranking).


In my mind, its "hey I really like your post/picture, but i dont want to post every time I see something I like"

Link copied to your clipboard.