Replacement wheels for the electric Lionel 'O' locos. are always sold w/o the gears, but the gears are available separately for those that need them. You would usually begin by removing the steel gear from the old die cast wheel w/ use of a grinding wheel or hand file. When you have ground or filed down to the steel, use a straight blade screw driver to 'pry' off the gear.The gear is attached to the new wheel by laying the gear on top of the square hub of the wheel. It should 'tap' down snugly w/ the use of a hammer, ( I have used an old 5/8" tool socket to set it down over the square hub). At this point you would use a flat end punch to rollover the 4 cornors of the hub. There should be no space between the gear and the wheel. With the gear now in place, You have a choice, Use of a drill press with the axle secured is your best bet to get the axle inserted straight w/o our special "AXLE TOOL". The Axle tools are available in both "O" or "STD" gauge, and are only $15.00 each. If you are going to be repairing both pre & post war trains, it may pay you to buy the complete beginner press set, All of the tooling is listed and pictured on our web site. The wheels from Jeff Kane at 'The Train Tender', are what you want for the #248. The 258 was actually mfg. as 2 different locos. One w/ the die cast frame, and a later one w/ the sheet metal fame. Here again, 2 completely different sets of wheels. The earlier set mounts the gear the same as the 248. The later version the gear may be part of the die cast wheel. Hope this helps somewhat.
We also stock and sell Jeff's "O" wheels. Harry