I would like to get some ideas for track layouts using Lionel Fastrack in a 8 x 8 layout. I will be using a postwar ZW and a 1033 for power.
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Hi Nick, why don't you start here http://thortrains.net/ to see about getting some idea's. Most of these plans are rectangular, but you can always put two 4 x 8 layouts together to get an 8 x 8.
At 8' x 8', even if you have enough room to walk around, it will be 48" to the center of the layout which is a very long reach. Will you have access hatches ?
I find that I prefer being in the middle, surrounded by the pike, so for 8X8 I'd have a 4X4 center cutout where I'd operate from. Hmm, or even with the cutout offset from center such that there is 3ft width in an L and 1ft width in an L making up the other two halves of the circle.
I'd definitely suggest access areas. In the photo below the lake drops out and the bridge lifts out. When removed, I can stand up in this area and tend to this part of the layout with great ease. Doing it this way I did not have to sacrifice any real estate. I operate my trains from a TMCC remote or at my control panel which is positioned at one side of the layout. Just my 2 cents Good luck with your layout!