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when will they meet?  Answer: never, they are travelling on separate tracks!   But seriously, it is amazing how often I think of this high school math problem when I hear a train whistle, as I just did for the Boston to Fitchburg MBTA commuter train at the ungodly hour of 7:05 AM on a Sunday.  Really, who needs to get to either location that early??  (A few minutes later, I heard the second train so I didn't even need to sharpen my pencil).  Being math challenged, I never appreciated that problem at the time, but as I say, I often think of it now.

Question: How many ways do you find yourselves using math as modelers, electricians, layout builders, rail fans, or engineers; and what are your favorite math problems or solutions to solve?  Which ones do you grapple and struggle with but plow through to the bitter end because you need to?  Or do you just say "what the heck? It's good enough for rock and roll" and wing it?  Measure twice and cut/snip/solder or only once?

Personally, I'd like a nice formula for converting 1:1 measurements into 1:48 when I want to model something that scales down to values smaller than a quarter of an inch.  If it isn't divisible by two, it makes my brain hurt to try and convert to something less than a foot. (For example, the colored metal commuter rail signal flags.)  if I had a nice formula, I could write a computer program to do it for me and avoid the risk and mess of my brain exploding. And then there are my civil engineer great uncle's rulers in divisions of 10s, 20s, and 50s that I cherish. I'm sure they'd come in handy if only I had a clue ...

Tomlinson Run Railroad: where we love applied mathematics, we just can't apply it.


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I use a lot of basic math, like addition or subtraction, but never do I algebra which I took in 12th grade. I measure very carefully, maybe twice and then cut to fit if I have to. I go with the recommendations for wiring taken from the NEC code book for wire sizes.

Even when doing track placement it can be placing it to fit. Adjusting the track clearance when seeing if 2 engines or 2 passenger cars can go through parallel curve tracks. 

Lee Fritz

I use math all of the time at work. I make store window displays.

Some of the things that come up for me daily are very similar to what we do in this hobby?  How much can I get out of a sheet of plywood? Cut maps, cut lists. The geometry of angles and how to make sure things fit together seamlessly.  How much do I order with a small safety margin without blowing the budget or creating a storage problem? If I am hanging something from the ceiling how much weight can I hang safely using the least and thinnest lines. How quickly can I do something. How quickly can others do something (this is always amazingly different)? When I need things how can I order to get them in time and so we don't run out. Fun stuff that I deal with daily. 

It's pretty straightforward.  Divide the 1:1 dimension (in inches) by 48, yielding the equivalent O scale dimension.  For 1:1 dimensions in feet, divide by 4.

1" (prototype) / 48 = .0208"

12" / 48 = .25"

1' / 4 = .25"

The opposite also applies to convert a dimension scaled off of a model into 1:1 sizes.

I use this functionality all the time to convert prototype dimensions to scale sizes so that I can seek out appropriately sized styrene sheets and shapes.  I can also use it to scale dimensions off an HO model and convert them to O scale.

(HO x 87) / 48 = O....or more simply HO x (87 / 48) = O

Moonman posted:

try this scale converter Anything smaller than 1/4" (.25) is too small to worry about. A 1/4" 1:1 is really too small in 1:48.  6" 1:48 scale is slightly larger than an 1/8" 1:1.

Do you work at a lower accuracy? 1/16" 1:1 is close to 3" 1:48  That's about as small as I would want to work.

6" at 1:48 is actually exactly 1/8" at 1:1.  And 3" at 1:48 is exactly 1/16" at 1:1.  The converter is rounding up to only two decimal places.

One of the nice things about O scale is that it converts conveniently into scale dimensions that we are all pretty comfortable with already....unless one prefers metric!  It also helps somewhat that 1/4" = 1'-0" is a very common drafting scale, so things like building plans and sizes can be very easy to relate to.


Last edited by big train

Phillyreading/Lee: I know what you mean about those clearances. I'll never forget feeling so clever to see my two engines and their consists running side-by-side for the first time until they rounded a corner and some cars lightly grazed one another.  Serves me right for not doing a manual dry-run first.

Silver Lake: You have presented an amazing list of uses for math in your job!  It goes well beyond the obvious to include things like weight for hanging and time management, but it is so true.  Although I am a "technical" writer and work with physics PhDs, I never use math for my job (stuff like COBOL, maybe, and a hint of logic/decision flow here or there ... but no math :-).

Rattler21/John: Unfortunately, my elementary school stopped using slide rules when I got to whatever grade it was that normally introduced them. So my brother got one the year prior and as a result I always though they were mysterious and cool and only used for square roots.  I'll see if there's still one in the family somewhere.  It would be fun to finally master it.

Moonman: Your link to an online converter is exactly the sort of tool that I was looking for.  Thanks! It will come in very handy and save me from writing a program.  And how great that it includes conversions to other scales.  Since my layout is carpet-based and must be moved and my budget modest, I have looser standards for accuracy than I might otherwise like but I get your point about how some precision is meaningless at certain sizes.  What has always interested me, 'though, and which is somewhat related are the decisions that model makers make to step outside of a literal interpretation of the scale.  It reminds me of being a charicaturist some years ago. I had to make an active decision as to what facial features to accentuate and what spaces to show or play around to create an impression that is identifiable as a person.  It's the same thing with a drawing that will be mechanically reduced without loss of recognition -- say for publication. You need to accentuate somethings and downplay others to have the end result be recognizable at a given percentage.  You can see this in Matchbox cars in particular.  Somethings are a little out of scale to make them look like they are in scale.  I just bought an N scale train set and the lettering is 'way out of wack, but it looks appropriate at the smaller scale because of what it suggests to our eyes.  I find that I also adjust for color when working smaller -- usually toning the value down considerably.  So, instead of black, I might use gray for example. I wonder if you make these sorts of scale and color decisions or compromises for your wonderful dioramas, too.  Thanks for the tips.

big train: Thanks for the basic formulas for when I'm too lazy to log in to a computer (which is most of the time after 8-hours in front of one).  And an excellent observation about the converter rounding up and hiding the underlying and easier to manage correlations to inches.  It is good to know that 1/4' = 1'-0" is a common drafting scale should I ever get so inspired as to scratch build a (cardboard) building.

Fun stuff, guys.  Thanks for your comments.

Tomlinson Run Railroad


Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR

You are right. Building a layout is nothing but a long series of those dreaded "word problems" from math class once upon a time!

I find that I am doing fractions in my head constantly... If I need 2 3/4 on the outside of the curve, and I have 5 5/16 to work with, then the center needs to be how far from the other side? Ok, so the least common denominator is...

There are lots of occasions to use basic geometry: how long a train can be turned on this reverse loop? Let's see, C= D*Pi... I want to cut a corner brace for the bench long to make it? Well, a^2+b^2=c^2, so... They taught us in school how to find square roots; I wish I'd learned that better. I hate stopping what I'm doing and fumbling around for a calculator...I've already got a pencil in hand!

I have many times wished that I'd worked harder in Trig class in high school. For example, building a control panel: I know the size of the panel, and how tall the back of the panel can be; what angle do I cut on the sides? No clue....  I built a section that swings out: If the section is 33 inches wide, and 9 inches deep, then how much clearance will I need so the rear corner does not hit the frame when I try to open it? Umm, I guess I can build a mock-up out of cardboard first...  This is a 3.5% grade, and I want to make some supports for it. What angle do I set the crosscut fence on my table saw? Maybe I'll cut them long, so I can keep trying different angles till I find the right one...

And we used to complain that we would never use this stuff for anything! if any of our young members who are still in school are reading this, please, do yourselves a favor and learn your math !!! 


TomlinsonRunRR posted:

when will they meet?  Answer: never, they are travelling on separate tracks!   But seriously, it is amazing how often I think of this high school math problem when I hear a train whistle, as I just did for the Boston to Fitchburg MBTA commuter train at the ungodly hour of 7:05 AM on a Sunday.  Really, who needs to get to either location that early??  (A few minutes later, I heard the second train so I didn't even need to sharpen my pencil).  Being math challenged, I never appreciated that problem at the time, but as I say, I often think of it now.

Question: How many ways do you find yourselves using math as modelers, electricians, layout builders, rail fans, or engineers; and what are your favorite math problems or solutions to solve?  Which ones do you grapple and struggle with but plow through to the bitter end because you need to?  Or do you just say "what the heck? It's good enough for rock and roll" and wing it?  Measure twice and cut/snip/solder or only once?

Personally, I'd like a nice formula for converting 1:1 measurements into 1:48 when I want to model something that scales down to values smaller than a quarter of an inch.  If it isn't divisible by two, it makes my brain hurt to try and convert to something less than a foot. (For example, the colored metal commuter rail signal flags.)  if I had a nice formula, I could write a computer program to do it for me and avoid the risk and mess of my brain exploding. And then there are my civil engineer great uncle's rulers in divisions of 10s, 20s, and 50s that I cherish. I'm sure they'd come in handy if only I had a clue ...

Tomlinson Run Railroad: where we love applied mathematics, we just can't apply it.


Take this course???

Modeling Complex Motions and Simulating Reality with Overset Mesh



Gilly's reply about Ohm's law and linear equations led to this intetesting web find on non-linear conduction. Who knew?  OK, probably all of you "wicked smaht" guys ... I'm not sure if there's a real world/model application here, but it was an interesting read about the effects of heat, gasses, and etc. on resistance:

(As a kid, something like a million years ago, I tried to teach myself basic electronics by reading my father's WWII elctronics manuals. Perhaps he had them because he was an X-ray machine instructor?  The Army's Socratic training method in use at the time was lost on me.  It made for a tough slog with those interminable Q&A interuptions.  So a clear and well written article like the one above is a welcome find.  Maybe I'll look for those old books and try to read them again with new eyes, old age reading glasses, and model RR-focused inspiration? :-)



Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR
Gilly@N&W posted:
phillyreading posted:

never do I algebra which I took in 12th grade...

As a Scoutmaster, I found myself teaching Scouts basic algebra on numerous occasions. INTENDED as humor, the boys always remembered this....

At work, the equation of a straight line and Ohms Law are SOP.

I think the example is slightly incorrect, I was taught different.

Think it was some guy named Timothy who said "The love of money is the root of all kinds of Evil" which changes it to "Girls who love money = All kinds of Evil"  rather than "All girls are evil"

Last edited by BobbyD

I use math quite a bit. Aside from calculating to scale up/down equipment from different scales, I use trig quite a bit to determine curve module sizes for various arcs/radii and appropriate curves/tangents to achieve an S-curve offset, etc.

By the way, the call of the question usually reads something irrelevant to the fact pattern like "who's working the grill at Pat's Steaks in Philadelphia?"

Last edited by AGHRMatt
AGHRMatt posted:
J Daddy posted:

Lately it has been V=IR and W=VA...


W=VA vs. W= E^2/R, ("E" being equal to IR, so the equation also translated to (IR)^2/R) used to bug me. W=VA was simpler and pretty accurate, but they always told me there was some "technical" difference.


There is a difference between Watts and VA. When the circuit load is a light bulb or other purely resistance device then  power (Watts) = VA, but when you introduce capacitance or inductance to the circuit there is a phase shift between current and voltage and now power does not = VA. At best Watts = VA. VA is always = or > Watts. The utility companies prefer watts = or near VA.

Oman posted:
AGHRMatt posted:
J Daddy posted:

Lately it has been V=IR and W=VA...


W=VA vs. W= E^2/R, ("E" being equal to IR, so the equation also translated to (IR)^2/R) used to bug me. W=VA was simpler and pretty accurate, but they always told me there was some "technical" difference.


There is a difference between Watts and VA. When the circuit load is a light bulb or other purely resistance device then  power (Watts) = VA, but when you introduce capacitance or inductance to the circuit there is a phase shift between current and voltage and now power does not = VA. At best Watts = VA. VA is always = or > Watts. The utility companies prefer watts = or near VA.


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