I finally received one of my MTH IC TOFC's. (The order got messed up, I'm waiting for the other one) Better late than never, I suppose.
This is the scale wheel version. So, let's see what we have here...
The first thing we notice is the box is less of a space waster than the old SHS box:
Within is the trailer, flat, a packet with the 5th wheel (tucked away in a hole in upper right of the Styrofoam packing) and an instruction manual (!) The manual is for assembly and installation of the fifth wheel.
With the fifth wheel installed, we gat a car similar to the old SHS model. The obvious change being the use of MTH's O27 RailKing trailer. More on it later. Lettering on both the car and trailer is sharp and clear, although the white lettering on the trail may be a tad thick.
The weight, minus trailer, is the same as the old SHS car: 10oz.
The big difference from SHS is the decking is painted the color same as the car. SHS had the decking as unpainted tan plastic, painted gray plastic or later a "weathered" tan plastic. (The weathering on the SHS car deck illustrated is self-applied.)
At first, the painted decking bothered me, but the molded in wood grain creates enough of a contrast so the color isn't so monolithic as I first though it would be. A little weathering will help here.
Years ago, either B.T.S or Building & Structures Company offered a laser-cut wood deck for the SHS flat cars, but they seem to be no longer available.
Another difference is in the trucks. MTH used polished metal wheels and apparently painted trucks where SHS used blackend metal wheels and trucks. The MTH wheels could use a little flat black, rail brown or Dullcoat on their faces to tone the reflectivity down a bit. On the Scale version, the former SHS Kadee compatible couplers are installed, on the SHS car, Kadee (or compatible) couplers were a purchaser responsibility.
On to the trailer:
The MTH RailKing trailer is noticeably larger than the SHS trailer. It's also more modern. I'm told the MTH trailer measures out in all dimensions to a 50' trailer in S, but I haven taken my scale rule to it. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Overall, the MTH trailer looks OK, but there seems to be a certain "Godzilla" quality about it.
Differences from the old SHS car aside, it's good to have the TOFC car back in S circulation.