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Saw an ad for this show @ and thought it might be of interest.  I model O Scale and thought a show dedicated to 'O' would be awesome.  When I read up on it, they advertise it as a 2 Rail themed show with others welcome.  It's worded like this:  Enjoy our train show and swap meet dedicated to O scale two-rail, Proto48, On30 narrow gauge, and also 3-rail O scale. More than 100 vendor tables. See website for details and registration.

I don't know what to make of this and have a hard time believing they can have a whole show with 100 vendor tables and have it mostly be 2 Rail Scale trains.  Has anyone been to this show with a 3 rail interest?   I don't want to waste my time going if there isn't a substantial presence of 3 rail scale trains?  When I say scale, I'm talking about 1:48 and not traditional Lionel or MTH Railking stock.  I'm mostly looking for scale rolling stack and/or locomotives, but other general merchandise is of interest. 

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This is a reboot of the Indy show that ran for ~50 years that used to have well more than 100 tables of 2 rail trains.  That incarnation was expanded for its last couple of years to include a 2nd room dedicated to S scale.


And yes, there are shows that have more than 100 tables of 2 rail trains. The 3 times a year Strasburg meet runs ~100 tables...

This new version of the Indy show is surprisingly expanded to include 3-rail O scale; not sure what that really means....

Last edited by mwb

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