Is it possible to add Cruise Control to a LionChief Engine? Yes it is!
This is another long one, Sorry. I'd like to get as much information out here to start with as possible, however. There's a video at the bottom, at least.
One of the shortcomings of the original LionChief system is that it does not offer a cruise function to allow the engine to maintain a constant speed as it travels over grades, tight curves, and areas with low track power. Many people have asked if it was possible to upgrade these engines in some way to add cruise, and until now the only solutions have required discarding the rest of the LionChief system and replacing the entire electronics package.
This is defiantly a work in progress at the moment, built using parts I had on hand already, and it just a proof of concept built on solderless breadboard. Still the Idea seems to work as well as I expected given the limitations I set out to work from:
Key design factors were the following:
- The design must be able to work on all LionChief engines, with or without a flywheel on the motor.
- The design must allow the engine to retain all of its factory sounds, and control from the original remote.
- The design must be fairly easy to install, not requiring any modification of the original electronics. (plug and play)
- The design must be reasonably inexpensive, as its intended use is in low priced engines.
I believe I have met all these requirements reasonably well. While my approach is currently a bit complex to set up initially, I'm planing on designing a 'programer module' that will assist in this set-up. I'm also unsure what a final cost would be at this point. Totaling up the parts I used at the actual retail prices paid, I get something like $50, however ordering parts from online vendors and switching out a couple components for better choices is likely to bring the material cost dow quite a bit. I'd like to think, if there was a reasonably large demand for such a thing, it could be sold, ready to install, at a price competitive to any other speed control option…while retaining all the LionChief Features.
I believe with the right parts I can shrink to prototype down to a reasonable size, hopefully small enough to fit inside a Polar Express engine between the motor and the smoke unit. This seems doable, however for smaller engines it is likely that the additional electronics will have to be stuffed in a tender, or trailing car for diesels that do not have enough space inside. I intend to make the circuit on split into 2 or 3 boards which could be located wherever there is room for each within an engine; A power board, motor driver board, and micro-controller board.
A key feature of the approach I used is that it requires no modification to the original electronics. I used single wire Arduino-type jumpers to connect to the engine, but if I can find the proper sized connecters that are used on a LionChief board, they would make an install much easier and cleaner. The board only requires 3 connectors, and the installation is as simple as unplugging the main power connector from the LC board, then inserting a short Y cable in place between the plug from the pick-ups and the socket on the LC board. Next one unplugs the motor connector from the LC board. One connector from the "LC Cruise" board then plugs into the motor plug on the LC board. The motor of the engine then plugs into a connector from the cruise board. A few plugs disconnected then reconnected, and off you go…sort of.
One issue/limitation I'm working with is that engine speed is detected using back EMF from the motor. This allows easy hook-up without the need for a tach strip and sensor to be installed on the motor, but it also means that if one wants actual scale MPH speeds associated with each speed step of the LC remote, the cruise board must be programed for that engine's specific characteristics. Using back EMF also limits low speed operation to some extent. I'm hoping to tune the programing further to achieve reliable operation down to 5 SMPH, and I think that is possible, but at the moment the algorithm becomes unstable below about 10 SMPH.
The current design also requires the input of the cruise to be mapped to the remote's speed steps, as I doubt this is the same across different models of engines.
In practice I had pretty good results with my test rig. I used a LC Polar Express engine pulling several cars on an oval made of O36 fast track with 50 inch straights. For the test I used a LionChief 54 watt power adaptor, but it is worth noting that the design will (or should, anyway) work on any lionel AC transformer as well. All components are rated above the limits of the original LionChief board, so the cruise will not be damaged by anything that will not also damage the original electronics. (The LM7805 regulator is currently the limiting factor with the design in place, having a 26v max, peak to peak, input (18.5vac)((to the board)). I am planning on using a much more efficient switching supply in the condensed design, which will likely bring max operating voltage above 30v peak to peak. )
I also intend to use the same HEXFETs used in the original LC electronics as output drivers in a final design, but am using BJT power transistors in the prototype. They work, but they are large, and can make quite a bit of heat.
The 'brains' of the operation is a clone Arduino ProMini micro-controller. This tiny board serves to read the desired speed in from the original LC board, read the back EMF voltage from the motor, and control the motor driver H-bridge. The little thing does all of this just fine.
One last issue I had was that the 2 foot long wires running between engine and the flat car holding the cruise board caused some fluctuations in the BEMF signal that made it difficult to get consistent results when timing the speed of the engine. I intended to have 5 SMPH steps starting at 10 SMPH. At the moment I have the following speed steps in scale MPH: 12, 15, 17, 27, 32, 34, 40, 49, 54, 68, and 72.
On to the video:
This is a very rough video demonstration I cut together this evening intended only to show that the concept does actually work. The first clip shown is of the engine running without the cruise system running. A second clip starts at about the 2:00 minute mark, where I run engine under cruise. The actual demo ends at about 6:30. The remaining several minutes are additional clips I shot, showing some close ups, and a look at the guts on my "workbench"
Anyway, hope you all enjoy. I hope to have given enough information for the technical folks to understand what I have here, without completely glazing the eyes of the rest here. Anyway, lets have a discussion now!
P.S. some notes:
I forgot to screw back in the light bulb before reassembling the engine, so that's why it's out. I unscrewed it when I had the engine open on the bench for testing because the bright, unshielded light was annoying.
In the last clip there's a little wire around the smoke unit bracket. It's just there twisted up to hold the smoke puffer up so it didn't make such a racket when I was destiny things.