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Thank you,  thank you,  thank you,  Mark DiVecchio for your awesome ADPCM !!!

Being one who enjoys hearing great engine prime mover sounds, hisses, pops, horns, bells etc,  I just never got into talking trains, especially hearing the same phrases over and over again.  Thanks to Mark's ADPCM,  I just downloaded my personalized version of the ultimate soundset into my GP38-2.  Its a 1MB 3volt board which I stripped of all talk, chit-chat, tower communication, even the moans and groans.  Gone also was the original flat GP38 horn.  The memory that was freed up allowed installation of a much more prominent Dash-8 horn, including a grade crossing sequence which wasn't there before along with its matching hotkey.  I also replaced a nondescript engine sound with the coolest sounding air compressor from an AC6000.  What surprised me was that the horn and compressor came off 2MB soundsets.  I'm guessing that install was possible because enough memory was made available.  So cool to now hear this geep idle with only engine sounds and a compressor kicking in randomly.  My very modest collection waiting to be modified with ADPCM consists of one PS3,  two more 3volt PS2, and two 5volt PS2, one of which is partially crippled but still works.   Never again will I have to hear:  "Is she ready to go?" "Is that knuckle set?"

Last edited by 351_DD-1
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