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I recently bought an MTH 30-2560-1 San Francisco PS 2.0 PCC street car from the 5th MTH auction at Cabin Fever.  I checked the documentation on the MTH site and it states this unit uses the 8.4V battery.  I have had 2 other PCC trolley's with PS2 and both were 9V according to my notes.

I had recently bought BCRs for my whole fleet and had 2 spare 3 V BCRs.  So, I traded one with a nice gentleman in Virginia for a 9V BCR.  It arrived today. 

I opened up the trolley, and what do I find but a BLUE 2.4V battery.  Thankfully, I still had one 3V BCR.

So, i wonder if this is just a mistake in the documentation?  OR, do I have a production sample that is unique in this world, and therefore one day will make me a multi-millionaire ??!?? 

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That was a 2004 product and should be 3V.  MTh would cut and paste instructions to make a new one.  So maybe in transition it was missed.

5V versus 3V has to do with processor operating voltage not battery voltage.  A misnomer anyway as there is a 5V power supply on the PS-2 3V too.  It powers the 3.3V power supply for the processor.   The new PS-3 boards have about 5 power supplies of various voltages.

PS-2 5V uses 8.4V battery just like PS-1.  PS-2 3V uses 2.4V battery.   PS-3 uses supercaps that operate at 5.0V.  PS-2 3V supper caps also work at 5.0V.  Each cap is rated at 2.7V.  2 in series.  The charging sources for PS-2 3V and PS-3 is 5V power supply so they charge to 5V.  G

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