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Good evening, I would like to invite everyone to this years "Wheels and Thrills Model Train Display."

The display is located in Sutton Hall on the IUP Campus in Indiana PA.

I tried to attach a short clip of the layout but for some reason things are not working tonight. When the clip was shot we did not have everything setup so if you look close you can see some unfinsh items and some hammering in the back ground.

The clip is on You Tube, 2018 IUP Musuem Wheels and Thrills Model Train Display.

We even have a model train running upside, run that one thru your thought process.

Myself I have a hard time keeping a layout running right side up let alone upside down.

If I can attach the link thru the evening I will.

Take a look, and if you can come visit us between now and December 16 2018.

Thanks !!!

Last edited by MarkStrittmatter
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