I would like to give a special thank you, to the Head/Heads of the Norfolk Southern Railroad. If it wouldn't have been for their Ok and Support, all of our 5 senses we're about to enjoy seeing Main Line Steam in action again, would never have been.
I realize that don't begin to cover all of the hard work that went into both efforts, especially the J's restoration, to operation! But ya gotta start some where, and that's a thanks to the top down, from an old man who grew up, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching Steam Locomotives, as a young boy of Louisville, Ky.
I hope the Good Lord blesses Mr. Moorman, as well as Mr. Claytor . I would give anything, if old Mr. Frank Collins, which was a friend of my step dad's, could see all of this come to pass!.................................................Brandy............!