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I want to show-off my new toy and give a Big THANK YOU to Mario, Pat and Pete for your guidance with this purchase (hopefully you guys see this, still can't figure out the messaging).  Thought a better chance than posting in buy anything cool lately.

I am calling this the K-Line 1939 NYC Pacemaker Scale Starter Set.  I should have read the fine print, Track and Transformer not included.  Really got to get a layout going!!!

This is my first Die-Cast Steam Loco.  I have been buying Williams and Weaver Brass.  Watch the F/S forum, I may be offering some good prices on some of the Williams.  I really love this Loco.  Wish I had joined the Forum sooner and asked for advice!  This Loco is beautiful and has all the bells and whistles [literally (RailSounds)].  Also on inspection it is NIB.  I really don't even think it was even displayed!  Trainz used a stock photo, so I think I am the first person on this side of the Pacific to actually touch it.

When I decided to buy the loco (from Trainz), I had been watching the price fall on a (6) Car 18" Pacemaker Set with interiors, so I went for that.  They also had some separate Cars, so added and extra coach (just ignore (2) are named Manhattan).

Anyhow gotta buy some track and probably some 20 year old TMCC controller.  I need to learn the ins and outs of that now.

I REALIZE this is NOT a current Sunset/3rd Rail or VisionLine Quality Loco.  But for it is plenty good enough for me!  For the price of one of those, I will not only cover this purchase, but hopefully get a NIB Cab1 somebody never used and doesn't want any more.  And a loop of Track so I can start my own NY Carpet Central!

Hence my labeling this a Starter Set!

The track eventually will get nailed down to a real layout.  You gotta start some where!

Wish me luck guys!Set FrontSet BackLoco


Images (3)
  • Set Front
  • Set Back
  • Loco
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We’ll done, sir!

You will like them as much as I do!  I have the Pacemaker set, but not the ones with interiors, so good for you in that!  You will not be disappointed. That whistle is one of the best in the business and she’ll run smooth. I would check the grease, as being older and unrun, it probably has hardened a bit.

@harmonyards can hopefully offer some tidbits on doing that, and which one to use. I believe he uses a Mobil One product.

Congrats again!  When you’re ready to come up and run at the club, I’ll be there!


- Mario

Last edited by CentralFan1976

Jim, I believe I echo the sediment, …you’ve got the finest J1e Hudson in die cast to grace the rails,….I’ve even seen some 2 rail guys so impressed with them, they had them converted……as Mario said, do a quick tune up, it won’t hurt,….I’ve never seen the grease cake up in those Hudsons, so I don’t see the need to pull it apart. Follow the owner’s manual on how to properly lube your queen,…..and let her rip tater chip,…..for a 1/3rd of the price of Lionel’s Legacy Pacemaker, you have a set that’s 3 times more accurate……you do need to get that set running,……in motion, it’s a work of art,….


Glad to see that; Pete, Mario and Pat you have seen this, Thanks again!

Also Thank you too ALL for the encouragement.

Pete - They did come with the diaphragms, but since bought without boxes, when wrapped the diaphragms got distorted in shipping.  So I removed to help them get back to "original shape".  If they don't, I will try the hair dryer or hot water trick to help them along.  Only one was actually torn.  But thanks for the info on the Lionel replacement.

John - Thanks for the info on the express boxcar.  May add to the Head End Cars, want to see how much "reserve" the loco has with the 7 Cars.

Mario - Will contact soon about coming up to Schenectady.  From the angle of the photo, hard to tell, but the scale coupler is installed, I had pulled it to the "up" position before taking this photo.  Also played with the cab roof vents.

Pat - Thanks for the info and encouragement.

Trainz actually does have another set of these (with interiors) available right now with boxes.  I bought these (without boxes) to save money.  The price dropped on the "boxed set" after I ordered these but still not close to what I paid.  Not sure when the price will drop again, probably 7-12 days from now.  Price is under $300 right now, keep an eye out if interested.  Mario you could always upgrade and then sell yours.  Dave you might want to see what they are after the next price drop or buy Marios without the interiors.  Doing it that way not much of a hit for either of you.

Bob - Thanks for the encouragement.

Have a goodnight guys!

Jim, as we mentioned, the Kline Hudson does have an Achilles Heel, ….it has an awfully small motor…..I’d recommend you run what you have and see how she likes it …..obviously the more gentle your curves, the longer a train can be, but even with O-72 curves, you might be reaching the limits for any sustained running….when mine was stock, ( many moons ago )  6-7 cars was taxing for anything longer than 45 minutes…..I still have one that’s stock, but I’ve condemned it to commuter duty ( 3 random coaches ) and it’s quite happy in that role ….that’s just my experience, others may vary, ….and of course we’ll get the one guy that pulled 54 heavies to Anchorage with out issue…..what happened to mine was after 45 minutes, the driver was getting hot, and it started doing wonky things …..naturally when it cooled back down it was fine, but I didn’t like that for a second….


Glad to see that; Pete, Mario and Pat you have seen this, Thanks again!

Also Thank you too ALL for the encouragement.

Pete - They did come with the diaphragms, but since bought without boxes, when wrapped the diaphragms got distorted in shipping.  So I removed to help them get back to "original shape".  If they don't, I will try the hair dryer or hot water trick to help them along.  Only one was actually torn.  But thanks for the info on the Lionel replacement.

John - Thanks for the info on the express boxcar.  May add to the Head End Cars, want to see how much "reserve" the loco has with the 7 Cars.

Mario - Will contact soon about coming up to Schenectady.  From the angle of the photo, hard to tell, but the scale coupler is installed, I had pulled it to the "up" position before taking this photo.  Also played with the cab roof vents.

Pat - Thanks for the info and encouragement.

Trainz actually does have another set of these (with interiors) available right now with boxes.  I bought these (without boxes) to save money.  The price dropped on the "boxed set" after I ordered these but still not close to what I paid.  Not sure when the price will drop again, probably 7-12 days from now.  Price is under $300 right now, keep an eye out if interested.  Mario you could always upgrade and then sell yours.  Dave you might want to see what they are after the next price drop or buy Marios without the interiors.  Doing it that way not much of a hit for either of you.

Bob - Thanks for the encouragement.

Have a goodnight guys!

Syracuse… 😉


     Nice purchase good luck with your set. This is the second time this weekend I have been reminded how nice the K-Line scale steamers were. On Saturday at my club the DSRC a fellow member brought in several engines to test before he sells them off as he is trying to downsize his collection. One of them was a K-Line Scale PRR USRA Mikado with TMCC. He said he had not run it for years (about 10) because the bell came off and he did not want to lose it. Well I addressed the engine using the clubs CAB2 and it started up and ran like a champ. I had the same engine but gave it to a club friend when we moved to Maryland. Mine had a bent foot board on the pilot as it was dropped when out getting repaired and I had plenty of trains to move so I decided to give it to a fellow club member (BDSME). Now I am thinking of making the guy I was testing the engines once he decides a price to sell it for. The engine passed the test run smoked, ran and sounded great (terrific whistle). We tested about 10 engines and 9 passed the only one to fail was a MTH Premire Reading T-1 PS2 engine. Most likely a dead battery so it will get a make up test soon. I also have a K-Line Postwar K4 that is in a display cabinet as I do have two Legacy K4s (same exact engine but with Legacy),


Sorry Guys if I accidentally insulted anyone.  I moved out here after living in Wisconsin for about 60 years.  So I knew it was upstate and started with an "S".  Never have been to either city.  Glad we got that straightened out before I drove up!  LOL

BTW, I liked the Central before moving out here, but moving here has just reinforced that.  The station here in Poughkeepsie is amazing, as I am sure you guys know.

JohnB - Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Sorry Guys if I accidentally insulted anyone.  I moved out here after living in Wisconsin for about 60 years.  So I knew it was upstate and started with an "S".  Never have been to either city.  Glad we got that straightened out before I drove up!  LOL

BTW, I liked the Central before moving out here, but moving here has just reinforced that.  The station here in Poughkeepsie is amazing, as I am sure you guys know.

JohnB - Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Hi Jim!

Please don't apologize, we're having fun!  The biggest difference is Syracuse is another few hours west!

Where in WI are you from, I'm familiar with a lot of the areas?


- Mario

Last edited by CentralFan1976

Hey, I know New York. I've been through the state several times, but never that far north. Always gone up the east side to the New England states. I'd love to get up north to some of the old NYC routes as well as Niagara Falls. I guess I'll get there sometime. BTW, my grandfather used to live either in the Bronx or Brooklyn, I can never remember which unless I ask a family member.

John - That seems to be the case, when I hover over the different members names.  I didn't mean to cause any problems, just couldn't figure out what was going on.

Maybe you can explain to me how you quote another reply when you reply.  Also can you go back and edit a reply after posting it?  Still trying to learn how to use the Forum.  Thanks - Jim

John - That seems to be the case, when I hover over the different members names.  I didn't mean to cause any problems, just couldn't figure out what was going on.

Maybe you can explain to me how you quote another reply when you reply.  Also can you go back and edit a reply after posting it?  Still trying to learn how to use the Forum.  Thanks - Jim

Jim, to reply with quote, click on the little gear icon I’ve circled down in the corner of the reply you want to reference ….just like I did your reply,…once you’ve made a reply, you can click on it again, and it’ll give you the option to edit your own reply….

Pat DA438A5F-F970-4064-99CE-BA48F70F03F960A743BA-E229-4B5E-AD47-E8E6884387E5


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@harmonyards posted:

Jim, to reply with quote, click on the little gear icon I’ve circled down in the corner of the reply you want to reference ….just like I did your reply,…once you’ve made a reply, you can click on it again, and it’ll give you the option to edit your own reply….

Pat DA438A5F-F970-4064-99CE-BA48F70F03F960A743BA-E229-4B5E-AD47-E8E6884387E5

Thank you very much Pat!

Never even noticed that Gear before.  I add this second line by editing.

Please know I only got a SmartPhone less than a year ago.  I hate to own something that is smarter than me.  I watched the movie 2001 many years ago and vowed never to tick-off an electronic device.  LOL

Last edited by MainLine Steam

The NYC is at the top of the list.  I have also bought some other RR's though.  Pretty well have bought what equipment I wanted at this point.  Need to start thinking about the layout now.

Yeah, I have a design for mine, just have some sorting and cleaning before building to do get. After that, there'll be some long awaited big steam running. Diesels can find an engine shed to hide in.

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