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Oh boy what a project this was. I promised my friend legacy, whistle steam, and swinging bell. Not an easy task considering it is such a small engine with a backwards mounted motors. However, I was able to do it. Mounted a dual smoke unit, bell board, bell coil, rcmc, and rs lite. It was a PITA for sure, but man the reward was worth it. Enjoy!!



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Original Post

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@Norton posted:

I was thinking this would be an alternative fix if the K-Line Cruise board goes, assuming you didn’t do the whistle smoke and swinging bell mod. The Legacy boards by themselves take up less room than the old modular boards.


Yeah a basic legacy upgrade would be perfect in one of these. Would definitely love to do that over the whole enchilada with the bell and whistle 😅😅😉😉.

@Reading RR posted:

Sid, that was amazing!!!  I have been able to keep my K-line engines going with a few spare cruise boards I had, but out of boards now.  Next time a streamer goes out I will contact you!  I loved the duel smoke and swinging bell.  How long did it take you to do the job?

Thanks. Due to school and slow shipping it took a couple months. However, I could easily finish it in a month.

@harmonyards posted:

Sid, looks much better ……what was your weapon of choice?…lacquer thinner wipe?..or just black paint ?…


So I have been experimenting with neolube for a while now and I have found it will adhere and not rub off on surfaces that are slightly rough. So applying it over the painted wouldn't just work obviously and the rims are very smooth. So started by using rubbing alcohol to loosen up the paint. Once it was loose it just rubbed right off with a sharp razor blade. I proceeded to take my Dremel with a clean wire wheel and on a low setting I roughed up the surfaces. From there I applied 3 light coats of NeoLube. I can rub it with my hands it won't come off.



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  • PXL_20220408_235109860
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